Page 66 of Zane

“Please do it,” Kelsey urged, her gaze holding his steadily. “I feel like there’s no hope otherwise. Especially if you don’t regain your memory.”

For the most part, Zane tried not to dwell on the fact that his memory was still missing. But it was aggravating, especially considering he knew not all brain injuries resulted in memory loss. Why had his?

“I’m sorry,” Zane said. “I’m sorry that I’m not the man you married. That I’m not the man you knew.”

Kelsey grimaced, then sighed. “Honestly, I’m not sure I knew you all that well.”

“What do you mean?”

After a brief hesitation, she said, “Even though we had a few conversations about previous relationships, you never told me about Sarah.”

That surprised Zane. “Really? I never saidanythingabout her?”

Kelsey shook her head. “The first time I heard her name was in your hospital room when you asked where she was.”

Zane wished he could tell Kelsey why he’d kept that to himself, but he didn’t know. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I didn’t tell you.”

“I was thinking I should just leave,” Kelsey said. “And let you get on with your life.”

“No,” he said quickly, surprising himself with his protest. “That’s not fair to you.”

Kelsey slumped back in her seat, like the fight had just gone out of her. “None of this is fair to either of us.”

Zane couldn’t argue with her there. “I’m still sorry for how this has impacted you.”

“I miss you…” The words were spoken softly, and she didn’t look at him as she said them.

He had no idea how to respond to that. Saying that he missed her too would be a lie, and they’d both know it. Still, he was tempted to say the words, just to ease her pain.

The silence between them was heavy, weighed down by the memories and experiences they no longer shared.

“If you’re sure about me contacting Sarah, I’ll do it.”

Kelsey looked up at him, her beautiful eyes sad. “I’m sure.”

He wasn’t totally convinced he bought that, but he wasn’t going to argue with her. He wanted answers only Sarah could give him.

Pushing up from her seat, Kelsey got to her feet. “I’m going to my room.”

Zane maneuvered himself up off the couch and braced himself on the crutches. “Thank you for the talk.”

Kelsey nodded, but didn’t smile or say anything more before she turned and headed for the door to her room. Even after she’d disappeared inside her room, Zane stayed where he was, staring at her closed door.

He needed to talk this over with someone. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he sent a text off to Lee.

Do you have a few minutes to talk?

His reply came back without delay.

Lee:Sure thing. Are you upstairs?



As he waited for his brother, Zane stared blankly at the empty fireplace, thoughts tumbling through his mind.

When Lee joined Zane on the landing, he sat down in the chair that Kelsey had vacated.