Page 73 of Zane

“Okay. I’m gonna go talk to him.”

Wilder disappeared while Lexi came further into the kitchen to take a seat at the island counter.

“How’s skating going?” Rori asked her sister-in-law.

“It’s going well. Amelia is signed up for a couple of competitions this fall, so we’ve been working hard to prepare her for that.”

“I can’t wait to see her compete,” Rori said. “I never competed in anything, so this is going to be a lot of fun.”

Kelsey had never competed either, and though she knew how to ice skate, it had never been at the level that Lexi had reached. Kelsey’s skill was limited to being able to stay on her feet, and, if she was feeling adventurous, skating backwards.

When she heard voices, she braced herself for seeing Sarah again.

Soon she came into the kitchen with Lee and Ross, though there was still no sign of Zane and Wilder. Another ring of the doorbell brought Kayleigh and Hudson to the party. Soon Charli and Blake, and Janessa and Will arrived, though they didn’t have any of their children with them.

Everyone greeted Sarah and Ross warmly, and Kelsey’s heartbreak deepened as she was faced once again with a reminder that Sarah had been their first choice for Zane.

“Where do you want the food, Rori?” Charli asked as she set a bag on the counter.

At Rori’s direction, they all pitched in to get the dinner on the table. When they finally sat down, Kelsey found herself once again between Zane and Rori. Sarah and Ross were seated across the table from them.

Lee said a prayer for the food, then they began to pass the platters and bowls around the table. With so many people present, Kelsey didn’t feel pressed to make conversation. Zane was also quiet, and he kept rubbing his forehead, making her think he was battling another headache.

Kelsey hadn’t been sure why Lee had invited practically his whole family for dinner. But as the conversation flowed aroundthe table, it dawned on her that this was an opportunity for Sarah and Ross to share their plans for missionary service.

“I’ll talk to my dad,” Will said. “He’s the pastor of the church we all attend. I’m sure he would let you give a short presentation.”

“That would be great,” Ross said. “If he’s willing to have us speak, just let me know how much time we have.”

As she listened to these people rally around Sarah and Ross, Kelsey wondered if there was something about her that rubbed people the wrong way. Her parents. Her best friend. Her in-laws. Rori and Carisa were the only ones who had shown care and concern for her. It was why the loss of Zane’s love had hit her so deeply, and she was beginning to think she had lost that forever.

When it was time for dessert, Kelsey helped clear the table and then she stayed in the kitchen, loading the dishwasher while Rori and Charli carried coffee and cake into the dining room. She wondered how long it would be until she could retreat to the solace of her room.

“Are you going to come have some dessert?” Rori asked as she returned with a couple more dishes.

“I’m not really hungry for dessert.”

Rori regarded her for a moment, then nodded. “You’re not the only one wanting to escape. Zane excused himself and went up to his room.”


“Yep. So if you feel the need to leave as well, we’ll understand. You don’t even need to say anything. I’ll make your excuses.”

“You will?”

“I will. So if you want to go…” Rori made a shooing motion with her hands. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

Kelsey dried her hands on the towel, then went to give Rori a hug. “Thank you.”

Before anyone else came into the kitchen, Kelsey hurried from the room and up the stairs. It was too bad that she didn’t have to work that night. She could have used the distraction.

Unfortunately, she only worked three shifts per week, and she wasn’t scheduled for that night.

As Kelsey sat on the edge of her bed, she allowed herself to feel all the emotions that the predicament she found herself in had produced. Hurt. Anger. Disappointment. Frustration. Along with the overwhelming desire to run away and just leave it all behind.

But she wouldn’t. Not yet anyway. She would see how Zane approached things now that he’d had this conversation with Sarah.

And then, if necessary, she’d walk away.