Page 72 of Zane

“What did he say in response to that?”

“He agreed, but then it didn’t work out before you moved to Tampa, and we moved to Seattle.”

“Why did he say I didn’t come with him when he met with you and Ross?”

“Just that your schedule didn’t work for the time that worked for me and Ross.”

That made sense because, at that time, she’d been working at the restaurant and doing her nursing practicum. Though Kelsey had hoped that Sarah would have some answers for her and some closure for Zane, she had no idea if this visit was going to accomplish either.

She wanted to believe that Zane had truly been as in love with her as he’d once been with Sarah. But Sarah’s existence, which had been unknown to her until recently, made her wonder.

“Kelsey, I truly believe that Zane loves you,” Sarah said, her expression earnest. “He spoke so glowingly about you, and I know him well enough to know when he’s not being honest. I felt he was very honest in the conversations we had about you.”

Kelsey wanted to accept that. But it was a struggle. Especially since the Zane Sarah had had those conversations with wasn’t currently present. And might never be again.

Sarah turned her attention back to Zane. “You need to figure out how to make your marriage work. I know you don’t remember it, but you love Kelsey. She’s very important to you. Important enough that you married her because you couldn’t imagine life without her.”

But not important enough to mention his previous relationship with Sarah.

Kelsey didn’t like that she had moments when she resented Zane. She hadn’t held his memory loss against him, and though it was hard, she’d accepted that he might never get it back. But discovering there were things he’d never shared with her—important things—made her feel like she couldn’t truly trust what they’d had. And if he never regained his memory, she would never get the answers she wanted.

How were they supposed to move forward?

For the first time, a sense of hopelessness filled Kelsey. She gripped her hands together as she stared at the floor.

Sarah continued to talk to Zane, answering more questions he had about everything that had transpired. His family had been able to answer some of his questions, but Sarah clearly had more answers that Zane needed.

“Why don’t I show you guys to your room,” Lee suggested when Zane finally fell silent. “We have some family coming to join us for dinner. Hopefully, you don’t mind that.”

Sarah smiled. “Not at all. I’ve always enjoyed your family.”

Kelsey got up when the others did, then helped Rori carry the dishes back to the kitchen while Sarah and Ross went upstairs with Lee, after Ross retrieved their bags from the foyer.

Zane remained in the living room, leaving Kelsey to wonder what he thought about what Sarah had shared with them. Though they hadn’t talked about Sarah’s impending visit once the plans were set, Kelsey was sure that he’d had high expectations for what he hoped Sarah would tell him. The reality was probably not what he’d hoped for.

Suddenly, Kelsey found herself wrapped in a hug. She let out a sigh and, for a moment, just let Rori hold her. The woman had become a great friend. Her best friend, if Kelsey was honest. Rori’s support had made Kelsey’s time in Serenity bearable, even when everything else made her want to run away.

“Are you okay?” Rori asked as she stepped back.

Kelsey gave her a small smile. “I’m okay. My expectations for this weren’t too high.”

Rori’s expression saddened. “I don’t know what more we can do. We’re praying so hard that Zane’s memory comes back.”

“But if it doesn’t, we need to be prepared.”

“Have you thought about what you’ll do if that ends up being the case?”

Kelsey had thought of nothing else, but she just shrugged. “I don’t know for sure.”

“I hope you stay here,” Rori said. “I know it’s not ideal for you, but I’d hate to see you go.”

The smile that came as a result of Rori’s words felt more genuine. “I’d hate to leave, but I’m not sure that Zane will stay, even if his memory comes back.”

The doorbell rang before Rori replied, and then they heard the front door open.

“Hello!” Wilder called out, then he and Lexi appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. “Hey, you two. Where is everyone else?”

“You’re the first ones to arrive,” Rori said. “Lee is upstairs with Sarah and her husband. Zane is in the living room.”