Zane hoped that God would be very clear about His direction because he still didn’t have a clear view on where his future might take him.
“Are you joining us at the gym tonight?” Gareth asked. “I think Jay said we have it starting at six-thirty.”
“I might. I can’t exactly do anything, though. I’d only be a spectator.”
“We aren’t all going to be playing at the same time,” Gareth said. “We’re just hanging out.”
“I’ll see.”
“I think the ladies and the younger kids are hanging out at Charli and Blake’s.”
“Are they?” Zane said. He hadn’t heard all the plans for the evening aside from Jay texting him earlier to invite him to the high school gym to play volleyball. Or, in his case, watch them play volleyball.
“That’s what Aria said.”
“Okay. I’ll think about it.”
Zane pushed up to his feet and turned for the crutches. “Can’t wait until I’m completely done with these.”
“You’re closer than ever,” Gareth said as he stood up. “Just don’t overdo it, or it’ll take you longer to be completely free of the boot.”
Zane hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but he had already decided that he wasn’t going to push himself, realizing that to do so would be counterproductive. He had to take the time now, in order to benefit later. And that included his relationship with Kelsey.
He positioned the crutches under his arms, then took a couple of tentative steps to see how different it felt from the hard cast he’d been wearing for weeks.
Gareth chuckled as he walked with him to the back door of the clinic. “Hop-along-son.”
“Hope to see you later,” Gareth said once they reached the back door. “Call if your leg gives you any problems.”
“Will do.”
Out at Kelsey’s car, Zane put the crutches in the back seat, then slid behind the wheel, maneuvering his new boot into thewheel well of the small car. He’d been doing research into his next vehicle, but he still hadn’t made up his mind. So far, Kelsey didn’t seem to mind sharing her car with him, but he really should get his own.
Zane swung through a drive-thru and picked up some coffee for him and Kelsey. Over the past couple of weeks, he’d learned how she liked her coffee, and that occasionally, she enjoyed a fancy one. So, he picked up two lattes, along with a couple of chocolate croissants.
When he got home, it took him a minute to figure out how to get everything into the house. He ended up using just one crutch while he held the bag and the drinks in his free hand.
He found Kelsey in the kitchen with a mug of coffee in her hand. When he greeted her with a smile, she returned it.
“I brought you a latte,” Zane said, lifting the drink tray a bit. “And a pastry.”
“Oh, well, I’m almost done with this coffee, so you’re right on time.”
He walked over to the counter. Or rather, he limped over to the counter.
“Oh, wow!” Kelsey exclaimed. “You’re only using one crutch.” She leaned over and looked at his leg. “And you’re out of your cast.”
“Yep. Gareth put me in a boot because the x-ray showed that the break has healed well.”
“I’m sure you’re relieved about that.”
“It is a step in the right direction,” Zane said as he sat down on a stool. He worked one of the drinks free of the drink tray, then held it out to her. “Here you go.”
Her fingers brushed his as she took the cup from him. “Thank you.”
She lifted the mug and took a sip, humming in appreciation. Zane had always preferred regular coffee with just a little cream and sugar. But since he’d learned that Kelsey occasionally liked a fancy drink, he’d taken to getting one himself whenever he got one for her.