“Let’s give it a week, then see how it’s going.”
Zane had a hard time believing that five weeks had passed since his accident. This was a step in the right direction, physically. However, his headaches and lack of memory were still a worry.
“Any other concerns?” Gareth asked as he leaned back in his chair at the small desk in the exam room.
Zane’s appointments were usually the last one of the mornings, so Gareth didn’t need to rush off to another patient.
“No. I think physically I’m feeling fairly well. The headaches are still a nuisance, but I’m learning what triggers them and try to avoid that if possible.”
“Does it work all the time?”
Zane shook his head. “No. Unfortunately, I can avoid the triggers and still end up with a headache, but at least I’m having fewer of them.”
“It will take time,” Gareth said. “But the healing will come.”
“I hope so. I need to make some decisions about my future.”
“How are things with you and Kelsey?”
Zane thought about the question for a moment. “I think we’re doing better. I’ve been trying to spend more time with her. It seems to be going well.”
“So, you’re committed to making the marriage work?”
“Yes. I went to talk to Pastor Kennedy last week, and he challenged me to choose to love Kelsey. He said it would be what was most honoring to God.”
“How do you feel about that?” Gareth asked. “It’s not the usual way we start relationships.”
Zane nodded. “That’s true. But I’m trying to… court Kelsey, for lack of a better word, in order to keep the focus in my mind on building a relationship with her.”
“How is Kelsey responding?”
That was the question of the hour. He thought they were getting closer, the more time they spent together. However, he also got the feeling that she was holding a part of herself back. He wasn’t sure what to do about that, or how to overcome the distance she still kept between them.
“She’s receptive, but she also seems cautious.”
“That makes sense. You’re not the man she married. Or at least not completely.” Gareth paused, then said, “How are your feelings for Sarah?”
Again, Zane took his time answering. He was trying his best to be honest with himself and others as he navigated this new life path.
“I’ve accepted that there is no hope with her,” he said. “She’s not dominating my thoughts like she did right after I woke upfrom the accident. There are times I wonder what might have been, but I can see now that the direction in which God was moving her wasn’t compatible with the direction I was moving with my career. That has helped me to accept where I am now a little better.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“But I can’t just sit around forever. I need to figure out what I’m going to do next.”
“Have you talked to Kelsey about it?”
“Not yet, but I will. I know I need her input since my decision will impact her, too.”
“You could always stay here,” Gareth suggested with a grin.
“I don’t know about that.”
“Open up a restaurant, and you and Kelsey can work there.”
“Not sure that will work,” Zane said. “But I’m not closing the door on anything at the moment.”
“That’s good. Who knows where God might lead you and Kelsey?”