Page 81 of Wilder

And for all that he enjoyed traveling around that part of the world, he wasn’t sure that he wanted to live there permanently.

But he had to be honest that his interest in Miriam hadn’t come close to what his interest in Lexi had become, which was probably why he hadn’t even considered settling down in Thailand.

Of the two women, if he was going to settle down with one, it should be with Miriam because their lives meshed better on other levels. Miriam’s life was definitely more altruistic than Lexi’s. And Miriam had a stronger faith.

And yet… there was no denying that Lexi had captured his emotions in a way Miriam hadn’t, despite the time they’d spent together.

Wilder headed home, pondering the fact that he hadn’t guarded his feelings as well as he should have, and where it had left him.

Maybe it was a good thing that Lexi was going to be busy in the upcoming weeks. He’d be spending time with her because of the Christmas program, but beyond that, her time would be limited by her training and her work at the rink.

When he got home, the house was quiet, unlike how it had been the night before for the pizza supper they’d had. He’d wished that he could invite Lexi. But now, realizing the extent of his feelings, it was probably good that he hadn’t been able to.

“Hey there, brother,” Janessa said as he walked into the kitchen. “How’s it going?”

“Good.” He went to the cupboard and grabbed a plate. After dumping the fries onto it and adding the patty from his burger, he put the plate into the microwave.

“That your dinner?” Will asked. He sat at the counter with a mug and a plate of cookies in front of him. They looked like the gingerbread cookies Will’s mom always made for him.

“Yep. I ate part of it at the resort but brought the rest home.”

“How was work?” Will asked as he picked up a cookie and dunked it into his coffee. “Busy on the slopes?”

“You know it. The first Saturday after opening is always crazy.”

“I suppose the nice weather helped.”

“How was practice with Alexandra?” Janessa asked. “The girls were excited about their part in the program.”

“I think it went well. We’ll be ready.”

“I’m glad it all came together after the mess it was originally.”

“Me too. Even if I have been cast as Santa.”

“You’ll make a great Santa,” Janessa said. “You like kids. Alexandra as Mrs. Claus is a bit more of a stretch, but I think she’ll do okay.”

“It’ll be interesting, that’s for sure.”

Janessa didn’t say anything about the two of them making a cute couple, which made Wilder think that she also could see that it wouldn’t work for them. Usually his siblings were all over matchmaking the ones of them that were still single, especially now that so many of them had significant others.

“What do you think of her chances at the Olympics?” Will asked.

“If they can get enough training in, I would imagine they’re pretty good. Lexi said they’re using an old program, so at least they’re not having to learn a new one.”

“Will they get marked down for that?” Janessa asked.

“No clue, but I suppose they’re better off skating a flawless old program than stumbling through a new one.”

“Are you going to the Olympics to watch her?”

Wilder gave his sister an incredulous look. “No. I’m not going to spend a ton of money to go see something I can watch on my television from the comfort of my couch.”

Plus, being at the competition wouldn’t help keep his emotions in check.

“I would have thought you’d go to support Lexi,” Janessa said, using the shortened version of Lexi’s name for the first time.

“Her own mother doesn’t even go to her competitions.”