Janessa’s brows lifted. “Really?”
“Yep. She said that she finds it too stressful to be there in person.”
“I can understand that,” Will said. “I think my mom would have a hard time watching any of us kids compete in something like that.”
Wilder wished he could go to the Olympics to watch Lexi skate. It would be an experience for sure, on top of being there as a support for Lexi. But she probably wouldn’t even be able to find him in the crowd, especially when she was focused on what she was there to do. Plus, she’d be staying in the Athlete’s Village, so he wouldn’t see her outside of the competition either.
His going to the Olympics to support her felt like it would be making a statement he knew he shouldn’t. He would support her from afar and hope that he could keep his feelings from growing even stronger.
“We’ll need to plan a party around her competitions. All get together and watch on the big screen.”
“She said she was also going to Nationals in January.”
“Yay! Two viewing parties.”
“More like four,” Wilder said.
“Two for the short programs. Two for the free programs.”
“Oh right. Forgot about that.”
Wilder wondered what Lexi would think if he told her his family were planning to have viewing parties for her competitions. He hoped that she’d be pleased that they were excited for her and cheering her on.
They had to get through the Christmas program first though, and Wilder was going to do his best to be a partner she was proud of, even if he wasn’t Mikhail.
Lexi was exhausted when she got back to her apartment on Sunday evening. With the opening of the ski slopes, a lot more people than usual had been at the resort, and a good chunk of them had ended up at the rink.
A lot had apparently come to check out the rink, ending up at tables with coffee, hot chocolate, and pastries in hand. Not everyone had an interest in skating. But among those who were, there had been several who were getting on the ice for the first time, needing her help to learn the basics of skating.
She’d helped those who had requested it and remained thankful that no one had seemed to recognize her. It hadn’t been a difficult day, but she’d once again been up early to work out and spend some time on the ice, even though Mik and Irina weren’t back in Serenity yet.
Add into that the ongoing disagreement she had with her mom, and she was ready for some downtime.
Lexi went into her kitchen and opened the fridge. Her empty fridge.
Her biggest challenge at the moment was figuring out how to feed herself. Not just that night, but in the coming months. Her schedule was going to be much busier than it had been the last time she’d trained. Making herself meals was just not going to happen.
With a sigh, she closed the fridge door, then went to the pantry where she had a box of protein bars. Not the best, but it would have to do.
Taking the protein bar and a glass of water into her bedroom, she set them on her nightstand, then decided to take a shower before eating.
As she stood beneath the hot spray, letting it beat down on her tired body, Lexi’s thoughts went to her mom. They’d had two conversations since she’d broken the news to her about returning to competing with Mik.
Her mom had made it clear she wouldn’t have had any issues with Lexi re-entering the world of competitive skating if she’d been paired with someone else. Or if she’d chosen to do it as a solo skater. But she didn’t want Lexi to be with Mik.
Lexi understood that, but her mom needed to understand that she was going into this with her eyes wide open. Mik, Lev, and Irina were getting her professional commitment, but nothing on a personal level. They were now on the outside of the wall she’d built to protect herself.
The odd thing was that there were people within that wall who she never would have imagined ending up there. Wilder, for example. That man had managed to sneak through a crack she hadn’t even known was there until she’d suddenly realized that his presence in her life was a good thing.
And right then, she was a bit disappointed that she hadn’t seen or heard from him that day. Although she knew that he’d likely had as busy a day on the slopes as she’d had at the rink. Plus, he’d probably gone to church.
Thoughts of church stayed in her mind as she finished her shower and dried off, then pulled on her comfiest pajamas. Now that it was winter, she loved to wear cozy, fleecy things when she was at home.
Going through the apartment, she shut off all the lights and made sure the door was locked and the alarm was armed. Backin her room, she crawled beneath the covers of her bed, then reached for her laptop, where she’d left it on the other side of the bed.