Page 74 of Wilder

Ever since her conversation with Mik, she’d been praying that this skate would give her clarity about moving forward with him and the coaches. She’d never really sought God’s guidance for her career, but this time around, she knew it was important that she at least try.

She was at a crossroads unlike any she’d ever been at before. More than anything, she needed to be able to walk away if this wasn’t what God wanted for her. If it didn’t go well that day, it was imperative that she not compromise.

At the sound of the rink’s door opening, her stomach clenched. She turned on the ice to see Wilder walk in. Though she’d told him what time she and Mik were practicing, she hadn’t thought he’d show up. Seeing him there bolstered herconfidence, and suddenly she was glad he was going to be nearby for this.

“Do you mind that I’m here?” Wilder asked as he came to stand at the boards.

Lexi skated closer. “No. I don’t mind.”

“Will they?”

“I don’t really care if they do,” she said. “As long as you don’t interrupt, they can’t object. You’re the resort manager’s brother, so I think you have the right to be here if you want.”

“I won’t interfere,” Wilder said. “I promise.”

Since he didn’t have his duffle bag this time, she knew he wasn’t there to skate. He had on a pair of jeans, and when he removed his jacket, she saw he was wearing a sweatshirt featuring the resort logo.

“Are you nervous?” he asked.

“A little bit, but nerves don’t do me any good when I need to perform, so I’m trying to keep calm.”

“I think you’re going to do great. I’ve watched you practice, and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you fall.”

“Oh, I’ve fallen.” She propped her arms up on the boards. “I’ll probably fall today as we try to get back into the swing of things. Pretty sure the first few throw jumps are going to end up with me on the ice.”

Before Wilder could reply, the door to the rink opened again. They both turned to see Mik walk in with Irina.

Lexi waited for some sort of rush of emotions to overcome her as she saw her ex-partner—her ex-fiancé—again. However, there was nothing. No anger. No joy. Nothing.

“I’ll go sit over there,” Wilder said, pointing to a table on the far side of the rink.

She gave him a smile, then turned her attention to Mik and Irina as they neared the ice. Mik was as tall, dark, and handsome as he’d ever been. He was dressed in a pair of workout pants and a jacket. Meanwhile, Irina wore her signature fur coat—totally uncaring of the fact it might offend some people.

“Hello, Alexandra,” Irina said, her Russian accent heavy in the words.

“Irina. How are you?”

“I’m fine. And you?”

“I’m also fine.”

The words were stilted, but that was to be expected. She looked at Mik and gave him a nod. “Mikhail.”


“If you want to put your skates on, you can do it there,” Lexi said as she pointed to the bench. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

Irina nodded at Mik, who then went to sit on the bench. Turning her attention back to Lexi, she said, “Show me your jumps.”

And just like that, they were back to coach and skater.

Lexi pushed away from the boards and circled the ice. She started with her easiest and favorite triple jump, then worked her way up to the Axel. She kept her feet under her for each landing, and she felt a sense of triumph that she’d proven that she still had her individual jumps.

Of course, it wouldn’t have been Irina if she hadn’t had a critique for each jump. Nothing was ever enough for the woman,but that was how she’d always been. She pushed and pushed for whatever elusive level of perfection she had in her mind.

“Who’s that?” she said when Lexi skated to a stop in front of where she stood on the ice right by the entrance, trying to catch her breath. “Boyfriend?”

Knowing she was gesturing to Wilder without looking in that direction, Lexi said, “Not my boyfriend. He’s the brother of the manager, and he knows the owner of the resort. He’s just here to observe.”