Irina’s frown deepened. “Why?”
“Curiosity? The owner had this rink built recently and probably wants to know how it’s being used.”
Mik came over to where they stood, then removed his skate guards and stepped out onto the ice with them.
“Warm up,” Irina said to Mik, shooing him away with a flick of her hand.
Lexi didn’t bother to watch him head off across the ice. She was nervous about the partner elements. While she’d definitely kept up with her jumps, there had been no way to practice the throws and lifts. That could only be done with a partner, and she hadn’t had one.
“Spin,” Irina demanded, then told her which ones she wanted to see.
By the time Lexi was done, Mik was back, waiting at the boards. Lexi glanced at him, but then focused on Irina. It was time. After a year and a half, she was about to take the hand of the man who’d abandoned her at the most vulnerable point in her life.
She glanced over to where Wilder sat. When their gazes met, he gave her a quick smile and a nod, offering her the encouragement she needed.
“I’m going to call Lev so he can watch,” Irina said, pulling her phone from the pocket of her coat. “Skate together, then do a throw triple toe.”
Lexi took a deep breath, then grasped the hand Mik held out to her. Familiarity washed over her as they skated across the ice, preparing for their first throw jump.
With a countdown, Mik got them into position, skating backwards with his hands on her hips. Her hands rested on his, then he picked her up and flung her into the air.
Unfortunately, Lexi felt the lean in the air and knew she was going to have to fight to stay on her feet. It wasn’t the first time she’d had to fight for a landing, but this one felt more important than any of those.
She had to show Irina and Mik that she hadn’t let herself go since she’d last skated with Mik.
Tightening her core, Lexi tried to keep from two-footing the landing and ended up having to put her hand down. Right on cue, she heard a shout from Irina to do it again.
Without argument, they circled around to try once more. They didn’t have to communicate much, as the many, many times they’d performed that jump came back to them.
This time, they had a more balanced launch, and she was able to hold on to the landing, even though she had to sink low into her knee. She managed to keep her free leg straight as she followed through on the landing. It was by no means perfect, but it was closer.
Not close enough for Irina, however.
After they’d run through all the throw jumps and pairs’ lifts, Irina declared it was time to do a program run-through. They had a bit of a debate on which one to try. Mik was still pushing to do the one they had been working on for the Olympics, but Irina cut that suggestion down without any sort of discussion.
Lexi was most willing to do their Romeo and Juliet program because it seemed somewhat appropriate. A doomed love story. That’s what hers and Mik’s had been.
She was tired, but not as exhausted as she would have been if she hadn’t continued to work out and train, practicing all her jumps and spins. But no matter how tired she was, she would complete this program.
“Okay,” Irina declared. “Romeo and Juliet. Go.”
Lexi cued up the music on her phone which was connected to the BlueTooth sound system in the rink, then waved for Wilder to come over.
“What’s up?” he asked, giving her a warm smile.
She handed him her phone. “Can you start the music for us?”
When he nodded, she showed him what button to tap on her command. She could have given it to Irina, but Lexi didn’t trust her with her phone.
“You’re going to do great,” he said, giving her a smile that bolstered her confidence.
As Lexi skated to join Mik for their starting position, she took several deep breaths. She could do this. She believed in herself. Wilder believed in her. It was amazing how much energy that thought gave her.
Rather than gaze into Mik’s eyes at their starting position, Lexi looked at his left ear and waited for the music to start. Likeshe’d told Wilder, the moves came back as soon as the music began.
This had been one of their highest scored programs, and it had been one she’d enjoyed skating.
The surprising thing that revealed itself as they skated was that Mik struggled more than Lexi. When they reached their ending pose, each stretched out on ice, Irina began shouting her critiques, which, thankfully, were mainly directed at Mik.