Page 135 of Wilder

Wilder wished that he could hear both sides of the conversation. He watched Lexi as she listened to whatever Irina was telling her. Her expression didn’t reveal a lot, but he could tell she wasn’t happy.

“Okay. I’ll stay away.” There was another stretch of silence as she listened to more of what Irina was saying. “It was good working with you again. I hope all goes well with you.”

Lexi’s expression saddened, then she said goodbye and lowered the phone to her lap.

When Wilder slipped an arm around her waist, Lexi sank against him. He held her close but didn’t force her to talk.

“Mik is okay,” she said when she finally spoke. “I mean, he was injured, but he should be okay in time.”

“Did she tell you what his injuries are?”

“He has a concussion,” she said. “And his lower left leg and ankle were crushed.”

“Oh.” Wilder realized exactly what that meant. “So, no Worlds?”

Lexi shook her head and let out a sigh. “No Worlds. And no next season. It’s over.”

That sounded so final, and even though she hadn’t wanted to skate for another season, Wilder was sure that this wasn’t the way she’d wanted to end her professional skating career.

“Is Irina leaving?”

“Yep. She’s heading back to Maine since there won’t be any more training.”

“Wow. That’s quick.”

“Mik is going back too. As soon as he’s able to travel.”

“Is his family here?”

“She said his parents arrived a couple of hours ago.” She paused. “And they told her to let me know that I’m not welcome to see him.”

Wilder tightened his hold on her, and Lexi rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I know that’s not how you would have wanted things to end.”

“Honestly, this ending feels worse than the first time around. Last time, I knew he was mad at me. This time, however, I think he truly hates me. And that’s hard to accept.”

“You were so close once that I’m sure it’s hard to reconcile what you had years ago with what’s happened in the past couple of years.”

“He loved me once,” she whispered. “How did it get to hate? What did I do to deserve that?”

“You didn’t do anything,” Wilder told her. “Your dad did something, and Mik chose to go after you because you’re the easy target.”

“It’s over now,” she said with a sigh. “Officially over.”

“Do you think another guy will approach you about a partnership?” Wilder asked. “Now that you’ve reappeared on the competitive scene?”

“They might, but I’m not interested in continuing with a new partner. It’s time to truly move forward.”

Wilder liked the sound of that because he really thought it was best for her to be focused on the future instead of the past. He just hoped that he would be part of her future.

But he couldn’t be selfish.

“I know life is probably going to be a bit uncertain for you over the next little while, so if you can’t consider a relationship right now, I completely understand. I will still be there to support you, whatever you decide to do with your life.”

Lexi straightened and turned to face him. Her blue gaze was intense as she stared at him. With heart pounding, Wilder waited for her to share what was on her mind.

“If you can deal with the mess my life is currently, I want you in it with me.”

Relief rushed through Wilder, and he smiled. “Then that’s where I’ll be. And we can sort out our futures together.”