Page 134 of Wilder

He wouldn’t have thought he’d be as excited about his future without the traveling as he was. It wasn’t as if he couldn’t go back to traveling if things didn’t work out with Lexi.

Not that that was how he thought things would go. He was going to do his best to make a relationship work because he loved her and wanted her in his life.

“It’s just hard,” Lexi said. “Two men who said they loved me have blamed me for their actions, and that hurts so bad.” She glanced at him and cleared her throat before looking back down at her hands. “Uh… Not that I’m saying that you, uh… love me.”

“Oh, but I do.”

There was a moment of silence before she looked at him again, shock on her face. “What?”

“I do love you,” Wilder said. “That’s why I want to be with you.”

“How could you love me already?”

“How could I not?” Wilder countered. “You’re amazing, and I admire your strength and determination.”

Lexi took a deep breath. “We’re so different.”

“Does that mean you don’t like me?” Wilder hoped that wasn’t the case, but he knew that someone with her type of personality might have a hard time dealing with his relaxed, easygoing approach to life.

Obviously, it wasn’t an issue for him. He could adapt to how she liked to have things done, and maybe she would come to see value in having a life with a little more flexibility. But even if she didn’t, he thought they could still work it out.

“I do like you,” she said, wrapping her arms across her waist. “A lot. It’s why I put distance between us after the Christmasprogram. I didn’t want my feelings to get even more involved because I figured there was no chance for us.”

Wilder felt a glimmer of hope at her words. It was a start, and he could work with that. Hopefully, the fact she liked him meant that one day she could love him. But the only way that would happen was if she was willing to give them a chance.

“You’ve been there for me in ways no one but my mom has,” Lexi continued. “I have been thankful for that. In the midst of such a tumultuous time, you’ve been a constant source of support, even when we weren’t really talking. Whenever I thought about you during those times, though, I was encouraged by the knowledge that you were in my corner.”

“I am definitely in your corner,” Wilder assured her. “I’ll always cheer for you.”

She looked at him with a smile. “And that’s something I really appreciate about you.”

It wasn’t quite the declaration of feelings he hoped for, but it was a step in the right direction.

“So… A date?”

“If you’re sure you don’t mind that my life is still a bit of a mess.”

“Do I strike you as someone who is scared by a mess?” Wilder asked.

“No. Not really.”

“I’m not scared by a mess. Truth be told, I’m probably more scared by perfection because I know the effort it takes to attain that in life. Plus, no one can maintain that for any length of time without it negatively affecting them.”

Lexi nodded. “Perfection does take a lot of time and effort.”

“I don’t need you to be perfect,” Wilder told her. “Just genuine. Be your wonderful self. And that means the good and the bad.”

“I’ve never really let many people see that side of me.” She gave him a small smile. “You’re probably the only one, other than my family, coaches and Mik.”

“And I’m honored you’ve shown it to me.” Wilder took her hand again. “It’s that side of you that I’ve fallen for. Not the beautiful, talented ice queen, but the woman who works hard, who shares her knowledge, and is willing to help others.”

Lexi lowered her head. “I haven’t always been that way.”

“But you’re that way now,” Wilder said. “And that’s what matters most.”

Before she could respond, her phone rang. Letting go of his hand, she fished it out of the pocket of her jacket. After a moment’s hesitation, she answered it.

“Irina?” She paused for a moment, then said, “How is he?”