Page 96 of His Rules

“I’m not. I admit it, but I do see the truth when it’s right in front of my face. Like coming to work with you. This time last year? Not a chance. But now, I know it’s time to grow up.”

He could also make me smile. “So say you.”

“Think about what I said and after you’ve had a chance to look over the info I’m sending you, we’ll talk. I have some ideas of my own.”

“I bet you do. Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it.”

I held the phone in my hand, staring at the screen as if willing her to return my call. I knew it wasn’t going to happen. I doubted she would talk to me any time soon if ever.

But I tried anyway.

Damn it. She wasn’t answering her phone.

Where the hell had Kacey gone? While she’d acted determined to be alone, I knew that was the last thing she needed. Plus, I didn’t trust what Drake might do with the information. I grabbed my keys and phone. While I had doubts that she’d return home to her father’s house, I would at least drive by and see if her rental car was there.

Not that seeing it or not seeing it would have a profound effect. I needed to be with her. Touch her.

Goddamn it, I wanted to sit and eat pasta with her, for fuck’s sake.

Laughing, I strode through the office, ignoring the forlorn faces of everyone in the office. They were highly intelligent individuals who knew their jobs could be on the line. Not if I had anything to say about it.

I stopped by the conference room on my way out, glancing into the now crowded space. There were boxes of records everywhere, a freaking army working on the audit.

“Yes, sir?” The auditor was one I’d seen before. He was smart, efficient, and knew how to keep his mouth shut.

“Mark. When and if you find any discrepancies, for my eyes only. Got it?”

He knew better than to ask any questions. “Understood. We’re about halfway through. With Kacey’s assistance and direction, we’re ahead of schedule.”

“Then don’t let me keep you.” Excellent. Things were coming to a head.

I backed off, hoping the gamble would pay itself off. If not, I might find myself in prison.

The press had been kept in the lobby just waiting for anyone of importance to emerge from the elevator. As soon as I stepped onto the marble floor, at least four of the bastards came running in my direction.

“Mr. Winfield, is there any truth you’re seeing your secretary?”

“Mr. Winfield, please. Just a few moments.”

“Mr. Winfield, what does your wife think about your affair?”

For the most part, the questions were nothing but an annoyance, but as soon as my former marriage was brought to the table, I bristled. Lashing out wouldn’t be a good idea so somehow, I managed to continue walking. I was almost to the set of doors when another question popped in.

“Mr. Winfield. Is there any truth to the rumors you’ve been embezzling from your own company?”

I stopped short, taking a deep breath to keep from saying anything that not only would I regret, but would land in the news.

As I turned around, I was able to keep a smile on my face as I pinned my eyes on the man asking the question. He was young and hungry, merely hoping to make a name for himself. I walked closer and I’ll be damned if the other reporters didn’t slink back. My difficult to deal with reputation had served me well up to this point.

“You are?” I asked as politely as possible.

He seemed befuddled and pissed I didn’t attack him right away. “Um, Jason Shell.”

“Well, Mr. Shell. Should any improprieties be discovered by the auditing team I hired, I’m certain the person responsible will be handled accordingly to the full extent of the law. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting.”

The questions kept coming, but I ignored them, walking out into the sunshine. Yet the fire of anger burned deep and would remain so until the situation was rectified.