Page 97 of His Rules

As I headed for my car, I tried to imagine where Kacey would have gone. She’d been with a friend the one night I’d seen her at the bar. Had she introduced us? That’s right. Stephanie Wise. Not an uncommon name, but I’d find her. I had my resources just like my father.

I was almost to my car when I spotted Drake walking in my direction. His vehicle was parked only a few down from mine. We met in the middle.

“I heard about your exciting night,” he said. We were both wearing smirks on our faces.

“Yes, well, I am allowed to have a private life.”

“That’s true. However, you had to choose your financial analyst. Dating employees is against the rules.”

Of all the things he wanted to toss at me, he chose that one? I laughed. “Since I own the company, I can do what I damn well please.”

He held up his index finger. “Half the company, something you continue to forget.”

“Oh, I don’t forget anything, nor do I allow any detail to go unnoticed.”

“That sounds suspiciously like a threat.”

“I don’t need to threaten anyone, Drake. You know that. I make observations and I have a long memory. If something needs to be handled, I will take care of it. It’s that simple.”

“Nothing is that simple.”

I smiled while seething inside. “You might be surprised, Drake. Often the most intolerable situations bring a new source oflight to the surface, illuminating the true problem. That makes it much easier to handle.” I started to step away, finished with toying with him.

“Did your little whore tell you that?”

Yes, he was trying to goad me and it always worked. I fisted my hand, but realized quickly we were being filmed. Of course we were. Even this interaction would be on the six o’clock news with some blasphemous caption.

“That little whore just might save our asses.”

“Is that true?”

“Or she’ll wipe the floor with you.”

“Just like I told you before. Be careful who you trust, Sebastian. Snakes hide in the darkest places.”

At least I could laugh. “Very true. One word of advice. If you’re going to lower yourself to doling out insults, do it with someone who deserves it. Kacey Taylor is way out of your league.”

I offered a huge smile to the cameraman before heading to my car. I could feel the hot smoke pouring from his nostrils.

The bull in the china shop would soon be put out to pasture.


“He’s just sitting by himself eating lunch,” I spit out as I pulled the small binoculars away from my eyes.

“How dare he even consider doing that,” Stephanie said.

I smacked her arm. We’d followed Drake from the office in my bestie’s car, following not too closely behind. We were sitting across the street from a lovely bistro. In wigs and the craziest outfits; I’d never felt so ridiculous in my life.

At least there was no way anyone would recognize me. Not in the getup of her wild clothes. At least I prayed they didn’t. If the press caught me dressed like this, I knew what the headlines would be.

“Answer me this,” I said, slapping her arm again.

“If you punch me one more time, I’ll punch you back.”

She wasn’t laughing.

“I’m just nervous. Why would he travel fifteen miles to come here? There were dozens of cute diners and restaurants between here and their office.”