Page 40 of His Rules

“How is your ex-wife doing? Still threatening to cut your dick off?”

Ashley had been nothing but difficult since I’d told her I wanted a divorce. We’d grown apart and I had a feeling she’d been having an affair. Not that I could blame her with the long hours I’d worked for years. However, she was doing her best to make my life miserable. We were never meant to be together in the first place.

I’d caved to my father’s wishes, which had been the last straw. Never again.

“I haven’t heard from her in a couple weeks.” Thank God for small favors.

“She’s a troublemaker. I predict her wrath isn’t finished yet.”

“Maybe not, but I’m through with playing games. Time to get busy.”

“Or perhaps time to slide between the sheets with your new forbidden employee.”

While my brother’s laugh filtered all throughout the bar, my thoughts continuously drifted to Kacey.

And all the dark, kinky, and filthy things I wanted to do to her.

Correction. That I would do.



My father was a work of art.

Not in a good way.

I’d seethed the entire night since learning he’d had the nerve to ask my own flesh and blood to check on me. Since when had my father given a shit about my wellbeing? He’d all but disowned me when I’d opened the doors to my business. The thought of working for or even with him had been the hard push to open my own firm.

Talking to my father at this point would be contentious and I wasn’t in the mood for his accusations that I’d abandoned my family.

The knock on the door forced me to stiffen even though I’d beckoned Kacey into my office.

She opened the door, standing just inside. Her raw expression of dislike matched my mood even on such a bright, welcoming afternoon.

What the hell did I care about the weather?

What I did care about was the way she looked in the tight black skirt, her long legs accentuated perfectly by the heels she wore. With her crisp white blouse, pearl necklace, and her hair loosely held in a bun, she looked very much the part of my assistant.

Correction. My financial analyst. However, my true desire was to see the delicious package she was hiding underneath her conservative attire.

Around her, control meant everything but was insanely difficult to maintain.

“Ms. Taylor,” I stated with no inflection as soon as Kacey walked into my office. “Close the door.”

She appeared somewhat nervous although she managed to keep a mask hiding her emotions. She did as I asked, walking stiffly toward my desk.

“Please sit down.” I unbuttoned my jacket before taking my position behind my desk. While I wasn’t one of those assholes who cut the legs off the chair to make those sitting opposite feel inferior, she still appeared vulnerable sitting in front of me. In her hand was an iPad that she’d been using to take notes. “Did you bring the set of financials for me as I requested?”

“I’m not finished yet as you have many arms to your business. I should be finished in about two hours.”

“Two hours too long, Ms. Taylor.” Yes, I was pushing her on purpose. I wanted to see what she was made of.

I also wanted her on edge.

I’d caught her talking to Drake in the hallway. They’d seemed unnaturally friendly. The strange thing was that I’d felt a sense of jealousy, especially when she’d laughed at something he’d said.

Right now, my cock was pushing against my trousers. I wanted to drive her over the edge of my desk and fuck her until she admitted the ruse or submitted to me fully.