Page 41 of His Rules

Did that make me an asshole? You bet it did, but her attitude during the day presented itself as if we were enemies. I’d thought about what Steven had suggested and in truth, I needed an ally who could do some dirty work for me. Someone I could trust implicitly.

However, I couldn’t trust the sweet and innocent acting Kacey. I needed to peel away the layers she had carefully placed around her. In doing so, I’d need to push away from the normal routine of a typical boss to employee. What I had in mind could quickly backfire on me, but chances would need to be taken.

“Let’s put this into perspective. When I give you a task, unless you know of a very good reason you can’t complete it on time, then you will do so as ordered. I won’t tolerate excuses. You are working for me. Keep that in the back of your mind. My directions come first over anything, including your personal needs. Is that understood?”

Her expression hardened, her eyes capable of pinning me to a wall. I’d gotten under her skin, which was exactly what I was going for.

“Why, yes, Mr. Winfield. It’s completely understood. You demand perfection and you’re the kind of man who will makeeveryone’s life miserable to make certain you get what you want. Part of your game?”

“There is no game being played here. Or am I wrong?”

A moment of slight confusion shifted into her lovely eyes, but disappeared quickly. Very few women could keep their mask in place.

“I don’t have any clue what you’re getting at.”

I leaned across my desk, steepling my fingers as I studied her. In doing so, I sensed I made her uncomfortable. The fact she was squirming slightly in her seat brought myriad filthy images to my mind. “What I’m getting at is that with every rule broken, there is a set of consequences.”

“Consequences.” She almost choked on the word. “I’ve been here a few days. It does take time to delve into an entire financial system to try and catch any errors, Mr. Winfield. But that’s something you should already know. As CFO of course.”

My little vulnerable kitten had claws. My cock twitched from the thought. “I’m asking you for a set of financials; is that something that requires an entirely different skillset within each company you work for?”

Now I’d both confused and angered her. “Well, no, but your system is unique.”

“Yes, you mean proprietary. However, financials are black and white information based on a traditional accounting system.”

“I’ll get them done as quickly as possible.” She had the nerve to rise to her feet as if she was in control of this meeting.

My balls were turning blue at this point. No one had challenged me. This was unusual and the best foreplay possible.

“You are not leaving my office, Ms. Taylor. I think it’s time for you to fully understand and appreciate I am a man of my word and I expect my employees to have very high standards.”

“You’re suggesting I don’t?” Her defiance was solid, a trait I admired.

“I’m suggesting you don’t play well with rules.”

“I’m trying to do my job, Mr. Winfield. To help you. But you need to allow me to do that.”

For almost any other employee I’d ever worked with, the tone would be considered unacceptable. With her, everything was different. I found myself more intrigued than I should be. “And I will. I think providing incentive will allow you to better understand my methods of operation.”

“So what exactly does that mean?”

“That means you’re going to be punished.”

“Ex-cuse me?” The new flash of her eyes indicated fire burning deep within her belly. My arousal was intensified.

“You heard what I said. Only through pain can we begin to realize and accept the consequences of our actions.”

Her mouth twisted in frustration. “What are you trying to tell me?”

The fact her voice was demurer than usual indicated I’d grabbed her attention. I rose from my position, pushing back my chair. A rather evil thought entered my mind and I slid open my drawer, finding exactly what I thought I’d left from days past. A thickwooden ruler. The implement would do nicely for what I had in mind. “I need you to lift your skirt and lean over the edge of my desk.”

“For what?” Her face had turned a bright crimson, her lower lip quivering.

Being an asshole had its benefits. “For a hard spanking. In my mind, that’s the only way you’re going to be able to remember that rules must be followed.”

With her eyes now open wide, she took a step backwards. “You’re out of your mind. That’s not allowed.”

“My company. My rules.”