Page 107 of His Rules

I hadn’t anticipated that particular move. When I noticed Mark slinking into the room, I knew immediately Drake had managed to convince the poor guy to follow his lead. What lengths had he gone to in order to buy the guy?

“Mark. Good of you to come. Now, why don’t you explain to this board and the kind officers exactly what you found after performing a forensics audit?” Drake’s smugness was fueling my rage.

Mark looked positively ashen as he cleared his throat. “It was difficult to find and expertly hidden, but monies have been taken from the company’s funds for almost two years. I had to dig deep, but the trail finally led to your computer, Mr. Winfield.”

The man certainly couldn’t look me straight in the eyes. “Do you know what I find most interesting in all of this? The reason behind you trying to drive me out. And it suddenly came to me. You’re a part of Waterhouse Industries. You wanted to absorb our company and in doing so, that would create an empire that few could ever aspire to. Isn’t that correct?”

“Waterhouse is our direct competition. Why in God’s name would I do that?” Drake asked as if nothing could ever bring him down.

“Because you’re greedy.”

“Do you have any proof?” he challenged.

Unfortunately, I did not. I’d yet to crack the system, but there were red flags. I’d simply needed more time.

Drake laughed. “I thought so. Gentlemen, please arrest this man on charges of embezzlement.”

The officers moved forward.

“Not so fast. I have the evidence.”

The voice was like sweet music, yet Kacey’s lack of obedience brought a series of thoughts into my mind that were highly inappropriate. She strolled in looking like a million bucks, the friend I’d met coming in behind her carrying a laptop. What the hell had the two women cooked up?

“What are you doing?” I asked as Kacey stood beside me. Her glare at the officers could rival my own.

“I’m saving your bacon and your company. I have proof that not only is Drake the man who embezzled money from this company, but is working with Ashley Goodman and her father on this attempt at a hostile takeover. They plan on merging both companies.”

I slowly turned my head toward Drake. “You did this?”

The man finally wore an expression of defeat, but only briefly. “That’s bullshit. Don’t believe a word out of that girl’s mouth since she’s Sebastian’s little whore.”

That was all I could take. I threw two hard punches, one catching him under the chin, the other immediately splitting his lip. As speckles of blood flew against my shirt, the other board members stood. “You will not disparage her that way. I told you that before.”

I wasn’t finished yet, grabbing him around the throat and shoving him against the wall with a brutal thud.

Gasps ensued, the once quiet room erupting into yells. I could feel the officers breathing down my neck and knew they were telling me to let go.

But I didn’t give a shit.

No one talked about my woman that way.

Drake tried to throw a punch, but I caught his fist, glaring him directly in the eyes. “Your time here is finished.”

“You have no fucking proof,” he insisted.

“Yes, we do.” Kacey’s voice rang loud above the chaos, her voice strong and her words without hesitation. “Let me show you, including how Drake and Ashley have been in an intimate affair for two years.”

It took a few seconds for the information to sink in. I released my hold, shaking my head. “I should have known. All the time you told me how bad she was for me, you were really telling me she was perfect for you. I’ll be damned.”

Drake acted like he was choking, wheezing dramatically for effect.

“I’m afraid we’re still going to need to arrest you, Mr. Winfield,” one of the officers said.

“There will be no need at this time. I need to hear this out.” Jeff Baker had been on the board with us the longest. He’d known my father, although they hadn’t gotten along.

With his authoritative voice, the officers finally backed off.

I turned to face Kacey, giving her a stern look.