Page 108 of His Rules

She smiled as mischievously as I’d ever seen. “Take a look at these photographs obtained just last night.”

Seeing Drake and Ashley in an intimate embrace would have gutted me only a couple of years before. Now, it felt like vindication.

“Furthermore,” Kacey continued, “I have proof of what has been mentioned, including emails indicating Drake Caffrey’s intentional activities in attempting to defraud both the company and Mr. Winfield. There are also files kept with notations about the plans that have been in motion for two years. Two. Years.”

I’ll be damned if the woman wasn’t sounding like an attorney. I was proud and pissed at her at the same time. She’d disobeyed me, going behind my back to save my ass. Hers would be red soon enough. The thought brought a twisted joy into my system.

I was a depraved man after all.

“One last thing, Drake. You can give my regards to Ashley. Perhaps the two of you were made for each other. Do let her know my father has successfully purchased enough shares of the World Hospitality Corporation that he is now in control. After news of this… ordeal breaks, we plan on absorbing the entire company, bringing it back into the family. Which it should have never left.”

I so enjoyed seeing the look of fear on my ex-partner’s face. Thankfully, it did provide some sense of satisfaction.

I watched as the evidence rounded the table, the two men and one woman on the board appearing disgusted. While Drake was sweating and Stephanie was taking over the show, I pulled my luscious woman aside, crowding her space.

“You disobeyed me,” I told her.

“Yes, I did and would do it again.”

“A repeat offender.”

“Just someone who cares about you.” She tilted her head, her eyes sparkling with defiance. “Who cares very much.”

“Remind me to spank your ass when this business is finished.”

“Only if you catch me first.”

“Mr. Winfield, how does it feel to be considered a hero?”

“Mr. Winfield. Now that your partner has been arrested, what are your future plans for Aeronautical Enterprises?”

“Mr. Winfield, is there any truth to the rumors you’re shifting direction of your company, bringing your father and brother on board as equal partners?”

The questions were rolling. In the few days since the board meeting, the press had hounded me constantly. They’d camped outside the office and my house, the phone calls nonstop. Embezzlement and extortion, another piece of evidence my lovely financial analyst had discovered, was big news to St. Louis.

I’d held a press conference, but had no intention of constantly answering questions at this point. The investigation was ongoing, the detectives assigned to the case as well as the prosecutor noting it wouldn’t be completed for at least two months.

“Mr. Winfield. Have you given the woman who discovered the sabotage a raise?”

Maybe I was in a devious mood, but I found myself stopping just moments before heading into the restaurant. I turned slowly, smiling for the cameras as Kacey had reminded me to do.

I smoothed down my jacket and took a step closer. “While the announcement has yet to be made, I’ll share some news with you. I’ve asked and Ms. Taylor has accepted the role of vice president of operations for the newly formed Winfield Partners. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a very important luncheon.”

The questions continued, but fortunately, they didn’t attempt to follow me into the restaurant. I glanced into the dining room, unable to see Kacey anywhere.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m here to meet a young woman for lunch.”

“Ah, yes, Ms. Taylor. Please follow me.” She guided me into the main dining room, but continued toward the outer doors. The location was one I hadn’t been to in a long time, the building flanking the Meramec River. As soon as she led me outside, I took a deep breath.

It would seem my lovely financial analyst had taken certain matters into her own hands. She was a meddler.

At a table at the edge of the oversized deck my old friend Daniel was waiting. As soon as he saw me approach, he stood. By the confused look on his face, I could tell he’d also been duped by my sensual vixen.

I almost turned away, but realized Kacey would never allow me to live it down. I slowed my pace, both of us bristling at the same time.

The feelings from what he considered my deception remained raw in the man. I couldn’t blame him.