My lengthened strides slow when Charity mutters, “Diesel called an hour ago. He’s got a solid lead on the guys who jumped Clara.”
I arch my brow, wordlessly demanding why I’m only being informed of this now.
“We figured if you were the only one left to watch Clara, you might actually stay put,” she mutters as her skittish eyes dart around the lot.
Her eyes snap to mine when a furious growl rumbles from my throat. “We?”
“Diesel, Johnny, and I.” She turns her eyes to the back door of Inked. “She’s not from this side of town, Brax. But even if she were, this still wouldn’t have been a pleasurable experience. You need to focus on Clara and let the boys have your back for a change.”
The anger bubbling my blood with furious heat simmers to a slow boil. Not only is everything Charity is saying true, but I also need to remember my advice. Clara is just as much family to Diesel and Johnny as she is to me. This ensures they will handle this situation to the same degree I would.
“Did Diesel call Ryan?” My words aren’t as scratchy as earlier.
Charity shakes her head. “He said he would, just not until after he has atalkwith them.”
My right shoulder lifts into a shrug. “Fair enough.”
I rub a kink in the back of my neck as my earlier conversation with Ryan runs through my head. Fuck, why did I give him my word?
Because you’re a soft cock when it comes to Ryan, that’s why.
“Can you do me a favor and call Diesel? If he hasn’t already had a solid word with them, request that he lower the severity and contact Ryan. I gave Ryan my word I’d call him if we found them in the first thirty-six hours. Considering it’s only been a few hours, I don’t want to break my word.”
Charity nods. “All right. I’ll call Diesel on my way home.” She wraps one of her tiny arms around my torso and squeezes me tight. “Look after Clara for me.”
A brief chuckle spills from my lips, spurred on by the hidden innuendo laced in her words.
I wait for Charity’s taillights to become a blur in the heavy flow of traffic before making my way back to Clara. I’m surprised to find her standing near the window of my office. From behind, you wouldn’t have a clue about the seriousness of the situation she just went through. She looks the same as she has every other day. She’s stared out that window the past four months. It is only when she spins around does the reality of the situation slam back into me. She smiles to put on a brave front, but her eyes show she’s still sitting in an incredibly deep, dark pit.
“Is everyone gone?”
I nod while striding deeper into the space. Before I can comprehend what is happening, Clara jumps. One of her hands pushes me hard in the chest, sending me sprawling onto the two-seater couch, while the other moves to the buckle on my belt.
“Whoa, Princess. What the fuck are you doing?” I don’t mean to yell at her, but I’m so beyond shocked by her reaction that my first response isanger.
Her icy-blue eyes rocket to mine. “What does it look like I’m doing, Brax?”
“It looks like you’re about to suck my cock.”
She winks before muttering, “Bingo.”
What the fuck?
I stop her frantic movements with my hands. If I weren’t a man who liked my women feisty, the fierce glare she scorches me with would have made quick work of the hard-on her eagerness has triggered.
“People handle shock differently, but sucking my cock isn’t the way to go.”
“How do you know? Have you actually tried it?”
“No, I haven’t, but sucking cock isn’t really my thing, so I’ve got nothing to go off.” I keep my tone cheeky, hoping to diffuse the seriousness of our confrontation with humor.
My optimism doesn’t last long. A heaviness slams into my chest when Clara slumps to the floor and bursts into tears.
Crouching down, I scoop her into my arms and flop back on the couch. I run my hand down her back as the heavy shaking hampering her body earlier returns full force, as do the wet patches on my shirt.
“It’s okay, Princess. You’re okay. Nothing like this will ever happen to you again. I promise you,” I assure her.