“She’s a member ofmyfucking crew, jumped in the alley ofmyfucking shop.” My loud voice bellows down the hall. “You know I can’t be disrespected like this without issuing some type of punishment. If I let it slide, you’d have to add Inked to your nightly drive-by schedule as we’d become a mockery to the community.”
“She’s amemberof your crew…” His words come out a little hazy like he doesn’t fully believe my anger is solely based on Clara being a team member of Inked. “So if you’re genuinely worried about her well-being, the best thing you can do is take a step back from this investigation and look after her. She’s in shock, Brax. You need to convince her to let the medics look at her.”
I shake my head. Ryan suggested the same thing to Clara at the start of their interview. She blatantly refused his request. “She feels violated enough as it is. She doesn’t want any more people prodding her.”
Ryan runs the back of his hand over his tired eyes before nodding. He’s been dealing with so much shit the past six months, his exhaustion can be physically seen. His eyes are plagued with dark circles, his skin is blotchy, and his hundred-dollar haircut is well overdue for a trim. “I get that. I do. But she can’t be left alone like she is.”
I nod. “I know. I’ll look after her.”
Deep down in my soul, I know Ryan won’t rest until hefinds out who did this to Clara. He doesn’t understand the worddefeat, but it doesn’t lessen the fervent rage pumping through my veins that someone messed with a member of my crew on my watch. Let alone someone as important to me as Clara.
“I’ll give you twenty-four hours, but if one of my guys finds them before you do, I can’t guarantee they will call in the authorities.”
“Fuck, Brax, you can’t say shit like that to me,” Ryan replies, his eyes drifting up and down the corridor, ensuring none of his fellow officers are listening. Happy we haven’t caught the attention of any unwanted ears, he pulls me deeper down the hallway. “I’m asking friend to friend. Give me forty-eight hours before you send out your guys.”
I shake my head. “That’s forty-eight hours she will stay panicked like that.” I hook my thumb to Clara. “I can’t erase what happened to her, but I can ease her fear that the men who did this to her aren’t still walking the streets.”
Ryan peers over my shoulder to look at Clara. His composure alludes to the general confidence he exudes in bucketloads, but his eyes are giving away his true feelings. He’s as angry as I am. “Thirty-six hours and I’ll give you ten minutes with them when I bring them in,” he negotiates, drifting his eyes away from Clara and locking them with me. “Alone.”
I take a moment to consider his request. Although I’m sure Diesel and Johnny will locate the men responsible for jumping Clara, there’s no guarantee it will happen within thirty-six hours, and although I hate entrusting the care of my crew to an outsider, I’ve known Ryan most of my life. He’s like family to me, so I can trust he has me and my crew’s best interests at heart.
While exhaling a deep breath, I hold out my hand. “I’ll still send my guys out. If they find them first, I’llinstruct them to call you.”
Ryan looks like he wants to push the issue further, but thankfully, he leaves it as it is and accepts my handshake. “In her condition, please don’t put her on the back of your bike,” is the only request he makes as I walk him to the front door.
“I may have skipped the line for brains, but even I’m not that stupid.” I wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him in for a brief hug.
“When you’re out seeking your revenge, stop and think about who will keep an eye on Clara when you’re rotting in jail for defending her,” he mutters in my ear before pulling away and strolling down the sidewalk.
I should have known he wouldn’t leave the conversation as it was. Not only does he love having the last word, but he also knows how to play my weaknesses. My biggest weakness is the people left behind to fend for themselves.
After taking a few moments to ponder Ryan’s statement, I return to my position on the couch next to Clara. Not thinking, I pull her back into my arms.
She doesn’t protest.
She doesn’t cry.
She doesn’t do a damn thing.
And that worries me even more than her frightened expression.
“If you need anything, I’m only a phone call away,” Charity offers from her crouched-down position in front of Clara. After giving Clara’s forearm a final rub, she heads to the door.
“Wait up. I’ll walk you out,” I shout, not wanting another incident on my conscience.
Usually, one of the crew walks Charity to her car each night. Considering I’m the only remaining male member of Inked here, it’s my responsibility to ensure she arrives at her car safely.
Diesel and Johnny left not long after Ryan and the rest of my crew dwindled out of Inked the past thirty minutes. Although none of them are to blame for what happened to Clara, their shoulders were still weighed down with guilt. What I said to Clara weeks ago is true. What happens to one of us happens to all of us. We’re family. And whether she likes it or not, Clara is now one of us.
Clara’s massively dilated eyes lift to mine before she gentlynods, acknowledging my silent question if she’s okay with me walking Charity to her car.
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
Standing from the couch, I place her down. It isn’t any easier the second time.
A humid mid-June wind greets us when we exit the back entrance of Inked. Surprisingly, the parking lot is void of the bunnies who usually frequent the space this time on a Saturday night.Perhaps they heard of the earlier incident?