I wasn’t confident of that at all until I remembered the look of clear determination in Mom’s eyes. She’d survived more of Eddie’s games than anyone. And that now she too, had Otis and Fawn to fight for.
It wasn’t just Eddie who craved family connections. We all did.
Fawn’s fingers trembled against my chest. “If he catches us…”
He’d already promised to kill us if we tried again. I was sure he meant it this time. We’d already used up our one chance, this next one had to pay off.
I opened my mouth to reassure her when voices got loud outside the shed door, Audrina’s girly giggle and Eddie’s obnoxious baritone standing out above all the rest.
“Where are you taking me?” She giggled.
“You said you wanted to work out this business deal in private. There’s a million people hanging around here, so I’m taking you somewhere there isn’t.”
“Not the woods!” she shrieked. “I heard those wolves howling earlier.”
Eddie laughed. “You don’t have to worry about wolves when you’re with me, baby.”
Audrina must have made a face at him or said something we couldn’t hear, but Eddie’s response was loud enough to catch every word. “The shed then. It has a door. We can be alone.”
Fawn and I moved in unison, both of us knowing they were too close for us to leave, and that our only shot of not being caught in here together was to hide.
If he found us, we’d be over. There’d be no explaining away the two of us in here in the dark. We’d be done before we even got a chance to put the plan into place.
The shed was filled with junk. Cobwebs covered old machinery that I suspected had once belonged to my grandfather, now that I knew this was his house. There was a tool bench along one wall, and old bikes and rusted old white appliances toward the back. The deepest shadows hid the details, and that’s where I headed, Fawn’s fingers clutched in mine, both of us silently ducking behind the piles of junk and praying we couldn’t be seen amongst the items left behind, and the rodents that most likely had made homes in them.
I really fucking hoped I was wrong about the rodents, but I mentally prepared myself for them just in case.
I wouldn’t give away our hiding spot just because I hated those little fuckers.
The door swung open a second later, crashing hard into the wall behind it, and I held my breath as light spilled in, along with my brother and Audrina Guerra.
Audrina shut the door behind them though, and the light disappeared once more. “Ooh, mood lighting. Romantic.”
Eddie let out a sharp laugh. “It’s a dirty old shed. Not very romantic at all, but at least every fucker out there isn’t all up in our business now and we can have this discussion in private.”
Fawn breathed near silently behind me, blocked by my body so she couldn’t see what was going on. But I watched every move Audrina made.
She trailed her fingers up my brother’s arm. “I don’t know. There’s something exciting about this, don’t you think? Tucked in here, away from everyone else. My husband nowhere to be found…” She leaned in so her tits pressed against his chest. “You could fuck me on the tool bench right now and he’d never know.”
Eddie sucked in a sharp breath and stared down at her.
It only took a second, and she was up in his arms. He gripped her ass roughly, crashing through the rakes and shovels and dodging lawn mowers and other machinery to get her up onto the bench Fawn and I had stood in front of just moments earlier.
Audrina wrapped her arms around Eddie’s neck, kissing him wildly, and Eddie returned the kiss with a groan of desperation.
He ripped down her top, and she gasped as her tits were exposed. He grabbed a greedy handful, his other hand yanking down the fly on his jeans.
Audrina wriggled until her skirt was up around her waist, and Eddie wasted no time, ripping her panties to one side and plunging into her.
“Oh!” she shouted, throwing her head back.
Eddie’s hips worked hard and fast, fucking her like it was a race, slamming himself inside her in quick pumps that I doubted were as pleasurable as Audrina made out.
But if she wasn’t enjoying it, she was a great actress. “Yes! Yes, that’s it, Daddy! Fill me up with your cum!”
I fought the urge to make a face and gag. If she’d said that to me, I wouldn’t have been able to keep a straight face.