Page 24 of Caged for Them

I smirked. “I could see that. He’s sexy as hell.”

“He is,” Cole whispered. And shit. Was being bisexual contagious? Maybe more people were bi than realized it. It just took the right guy to come along and offer to spank your ass.. I shook my head and focused back on Cole.

“You two gonna do anything about it?”

“Nah,” he said. Then he swallowed hard, tugging on his hair, and looked back up at me. “Well, I don’t know. Is it… should we?” He flushed, ducking his head, a smile teasing at his lips.

“I can’t answer that. Every relationship is different.”

“But it’s good for you guys, right?” He looked so hopeful that I didn’t want to crush his dreams. “Like three people, that works.”

“It can work, but it’s hard work. We have to balance each relationship, each person’s needs, and it’s definitely not perfect.”I didn’t know if I should explain how my submissive nature helped with that balance, so I tried to think of a more concrete example. “Like I don’t even know how we’re supposed to act here. I’m his boyfriend, but I’m not used to Spencer and Ethan knowing that.”

Cole frowned. “Who cares about these assholes? Climb into his lap and snuggle him if that’s what you need.”

“But what if he doesn’t want me to do that?” I whispered, glancing at Henry. Fuck, now that Cole had mentioned cuddling Henry, I really wanted some snuggles. I ached for his touch.

“Seriously? Have you had a body swap? You’re the most cocky bastard I know, and now you’re feeling anxious over kissing Henry in front of a couple of friends even though you probably had his dick in your ass like ten minutes ago?”

And yeah, he said that loud enough that everyone in the room heard. Spencer and Ethan both turned and looked our way, each man’s eyes wide and confused. Henry sighed, looking irritated, and grabbed my hand, tugging me off into a corner.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for him to blurt that out.”

Henry cut me off with a hard kiss, gripping my face as he slammed his tongue into my mouth, leaving no question about what was happening. The guys knew, and he wanted them to know. I whimpered and held onto his waist, my hands bunching in his shirt as the kiss got deeper. The room disappeared, and there was only Henry and the way his mouth commanded andsettled me, the way he nipped at my bottom lip, mixing a little pain with the pleasure.

After a minute, he pulled back, looking at the guys. “Yes, we’re dating him. Both Mari and I. We love him and he belongs to us. Any questions?”

I blinked, coming out of the daze he’d just put me in. Fuck, had I just whimpered? The guys all stared at us for a moment, then shook their heads.

“That was hot as fuck,” Cole said, eyes wide. Then he turned and chugged down a whole beer.

“What’s that about?” Henry asked, turning back to me. “Why were you and Cole having an intimate discussion?”

“Uh. He has a crush on Garrett Hart, I think?”

“Garrett motherfucking Hart? I heard he was back in town. My sister must be flipping her shit… wait. Cole has a thing for him?”

“You probably don’t want the details of this,” I said, shaking my head.

Henry frowned, tilting his head as if pondering that for a minute. “As long as he’s not cheating on Anna, keep me in the dark.”

“He’s not cheating on Anna. Your sister is his everything.” It was strange how I hadn’t ever understood Cole’s nearly obsessivedevotion to Anna until I’d become the property of Henry and Mari. Now it made complete sense.

Henry nodded, holding eye contact for a moment. “Okay, poker night with the guys. Want to sit in my lap?”

I glanced at Ethan and Spencer, my cheeks pink. “Do you think they could hear the whimper I made when you kissed me and grabbed my ass?”

“Yep,” he said, grinning. I sighed. I really wanted to sit in his lap, but I was also competitive.

“If I sit in your lap, you’ll be able to see my cards!” I said, laughing and joining everyone at the table. Things relaxed as Ethan dealt the cards. Henry rested a hand on my thigh. But other than that, it was business as usual, our friends accepting the change in our relationship status as if it was no big deal. And suddenly, I had real hope it could work. This relationship, as crazy as it was, could be a real thing.

And maybe someday, the three of us could be happy together.

“You ready to play?” Ethan asked, giving me a pointed look. “Or too busy flirting?”

“Flirting? With who?” I asked innocently. “I’m here to own all of you.”

“He has good cards,” Cole said, folding. Henry narrowed his eyes and followed suit.