I thrashed between them, and they sped up, forcing my wild body into submission. I couldn’t think anymore, could only feel. They were doing something to me, filling me so full, stretching me wide...
“Look at you,” Henry gasped. “My pet and my little slut.”
I screamed, a strange keening sound as the men’s bodies shuddered against mine, their movements growing wild and uncontrolled as they approached their release.
“Come in me. Please,” I begged, and Jason let go first, his hips jolting up against me as he let out a strangled cry, and I felt the warmth of his orgasm filling me.
Henry wasn’t far behind him, and just a few thrusts later, I felt him swell in my ass, letting out a string of curses as he spilled deep in my ass. He fell back onto the bed beside me, spent.
“So fucking good,” Jason mumbled, and I smiled, even though my brain was swimming from the intense experience. The men gently settled me between them, stretched out on the bed, and I smiled.
“Well done, sweetheart,” Henry murmured, stroking my back.
“Thank you, both of you. That was... incredible,” I said, the words tripping out of my mouth as my body calmed down. “I think I might need that often.”
Jason laughed. “Me too.”
Chapter 16
“Poker night,” Henry saida few days later, and I groaned in dismay. Henry looked excited, but I was unsure, worried about what it meant to be the submissive sex slave of my best friend when it came to hanging out with the guys.
The relationship seemed fraught with landmines, but not the kind I’d expected. Did we go public with our menage relationship? Did I want people to know I was bisexual? Cole was coming to poker night, and he knew the general details and seemed to accept us, but the other two guys, Ethan and Spencer would probably give me shit for sucking dick.
Or maybe they wouldn’t care. Or maybe Henry wouldn’t tell them at all.
“Fuck,” I whispered, trying to get a handle on my spiraling thoughts. I glanced at the door. “Do we have time for you to…” but before I could request the rough treatment, I needed to settle my mind, the doorbell rang.
Henry shot me a concerned look before walking to the door, and greeting Ethan with a handshake and a slap on the back. Spencer jogged up the path behind him, holding up a case of beer, which Henry cheered for.
“Poker night!” Spencer said, strolling in like he owned the place and unloading the beer into the fridge. “Man, I can’t believe we missed the last few weeks. I’ve needed this.” Spencer was in the middle of a divorce, and seemed lonely.
“You started dating again?” I asked.
He shook his head. “I can’t get back in the saddle as quickly as you do, man. I’m still wrecked from losing Nadia.”
“It takes time,” I said, even though it never had before. But I could imagine what it would be like to lose Henry and Mari. I probably wouldn’t be able to function for months, or maybe not ever after such a devastating loss. And that thought made me sick to my stomach, made me start thinking about what I needed to do to make sure it never happened.
“Yeah, but I miss her. I want my marriage back. But since that’s not happening, I’ll just enjoy these nights with my boys.” Spencer hadn’t shared the full story behind his separation with Nadia, and for the first time, I wondered what had happened. But he grinned over at me and Henry, then started cracking beers open for all of us as Ethan poured snacks into bowls.
Cole wandered in a moment later, smiling at me. He was quieter than the other guys that night, his energy off. Usually Cole was a ball of sunshine, jubilant and easily excited.
“You okay?” I asked.
He glanced at me, then stuffed his hands in his pockets, kicking at the floor. “Um, I have some questions, but it’s probably not okay to ask in front of the guys.” He chuckled softly.
“Questions?” I widened my eyes, then glanced at Henry, Spencer and Ethan in the kitchen. “Let’s go sit in the living room while they deal with the food.”
He nodded. “Okay.”
“Is this about Anna’s injury? Henry told me she broke her wrist?” The mountain biking accident had scared the shit out of Henry, and probably Cole as well, but Anna had been okay, thankfully.
“Nah. Well, sort of. Because of the injury, she made me do the mountain bike race she’d signed us up for with this guy, Garrett. That 48 hour thing.
“Ah,” I said, frowning. “Wait, Garrett Hart? Doesn’t Anna hate him with the fire of a thousand suns?” I could distinctly remember Anna and Garrett, who had been a few years ahead of us in school, screaming at each other over some crazy class election thing. On stage, in front of the entire school, when they should have been a civil debate.
Cole burst out laughing, then lowered his voice. “I think she wants to fuck him with the fire of a thousand suns.”