Page 2 of The Misfit

Seb arches an eyebrow, the number one sign he’s not buying my shit, but thankfully, he doesn’t push. It takes a hot minute to sign the release paperwork and get my belongings back.

The officer tosses the items on the counter, and I assess them, ensuring I have everything.Keys. Wallet. Phone. Condoms.

Everything is here. I shove it all into the pockets of my jeans. “It was nice to meet you, Officer Chu.”

Seb huffs loudly. “For fuck’s sake, Lee, let’s go.”

He starts toward the door, and I give the officer one more wink, then shuffle my brown hair off my forehead and follow. The car waits outside, and we all slide into the back with Ely wedged between Seb and me.

My gaze is drawn to her bulging belly. Fucking hell. I’m a piece of shit. As pregnant as she is, there’s no reason she should be out at this hour, fixing my problems. Then again, she wasn’t supposed to come—only Sebastian was—but I guess now that they’re married and having a kid, it’s a two-for-one special.

“I’m sorry.” I can’t help but apologize. I feel like a total dickhole that she’s out and about this close to her due date.

“Don’t be sorry, Lee. I still love you.” Ely smiles at me, and I’d return her smile if her husband’s glare wasn’t burning holes into my skin. He’s pissed, and rightfully so, but if he didn’t want me to call him, why did he agree to help me in the first place?

It’s a short twenty-minute drive to The Mill, and as I predicted, the year’s final party is still raging. I pause with my hand on the door handle.

“You coming?”

Sebastian shakes his head. “No, I think Ely has had enough fun for the night.” He tugs her on to his lap, and she nuzzles her face against his chest.

“Yeah, yeah. Go. Behave,” he orders.

“Shut it. I’m always on my best behavior.” I smile and step out of the car.

Time to put on the party mask.Part of my brain seizes up at the idea because I’m so burned out over being someone I’m not. But what other option do I have? This is what they expect of me. This is all they want from me, nothing more.

This is why I’m here, why I insisted on coming to this party when the part of me that’s real would rather be home in bed.

Play the part. Deliver The Man.

Gathering up my remaining energy, I saunter up the steps, push the door open, and enter the house. I’m greeted with a cry of excitement that echoes through the room. It ripples through me even as it grates against my nerve endings.Their energy, their excitement, their adulation. Except they don’t know me, do they?I give a little bow just off the entryway, none of them noticing the sardonic twist to my lips, and sneak into the kitchen to get some alcohol.

Because what’s a party without a beverage?

I scour the countertops for the perfect liquor to indulge in, and like the mood killer he is, Drew, with Bel attached at his hip, finds me before I can wrap my hands around a bottle.

“What the fuck? We all agreed to keep a low profile, and you go out and get yourself arrested?”

I can handle Sebastian all day. Drew, another one of my best friends, is a different creature entirely. Do I say I’m sorry for being such a fuckup?Nah.He should expect that by now.

Is there really any response that will matter? I guess no response is better. After all, I’m not a fucking Hallmark card. Ignoring his comment, I snake a hand behind him to a bottle of amber liquor. I pop the cork and steal a glance at the label as I do.

Ten-year-old bourbon—not the best, but it’ll do.

Drew is not one to be ignored, so I’m not surprised when he grabs me by the wrist to stop me from bringing the bottle to my lips. “Are you even listening to me?”

“I heard you loud and clear,Dad,” I snap, then instantly regret it when Drew flinches.

Why do I have to have a fucking heart?

“I just care about you, man. What the hell happened?”

“Do you wantmyversion of the events? The police officer’s version? Or the homophobic asshole bar owner’s version?”

“Whatever version makes me least likely to want to knee you in the balls.”

I grin. “Aw, it’s sweet that you’re thinking of my balls. It’s because mine are bigger, isn’t it?”