Drew’s nostrils flare, and annoyance pinches his features, color riding high on his perfect cheekbones. “Is everything a game to you?”
I mean, maybe.That’s the thing about Lee Sterling. If you give me an inch, I’ll take a fucking mile, then I’ll fuck you with the inch you gave me just to prove a point. It would be kind of sad if I had a damn choice in it all.
Drew should know better. I tap a finger against my chin as if I’m pondering a real response. “I don’t think you want me to answer that.”
“I think you need to start using your fucking brain. We’re adults, and college is over. What are you going to do with your life? Fight anyone who has a different opinion than you?” His disappointment leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. And for reasons I don’t understand, I hatehisdisappointment the most.
I shrug. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. I don’t even know what day it is. I’m merely living for the present.”
“And that’s the problem. You’re making choices that could have a profound impact on your future. You’re acting like tomorrow doesn’t even matter.”
This is becoming far too deep and depressing a conversation to have while sober. “You’re ruining a good night and a good fucking party with your fortune cookie bullshit. I think I liked you better before you decided to become a knight in shining armor.”
It’s a jab, and a low one at that. I love Bel, and when she and Drew hit it off, I welcomed her into our little fucked-up family with open arms, but right now, I need this conversation to end before I lose my fucking mind.
“Knight in shining armor?” He snorts. “Don’t tell me you’re already drunk?”
I roll my eyes. “Do I look like I’m drunk?”
Drew shakes his head. “All I’m trying to say is, as tempting as it is, you can’t just go around tossing punches every time someone says something you don’t like.”
“Yeah, yeah. I hear you.” I risk looking over at Bel, who is a couple of feet away, failing miserably to act discreetly in her desire to give us a little privacy. “Get your adorable ass over here, Bel!”
I’d rather see her pretty face than his ugly mug, anyway. That’s a lie; his face is too freaking perfect.
Drew rolls his eyes and half turns to tug her into his side. She lets out a little squeal, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Her gaze bounces to me, and the enthusiasm fades to apprehension.
Fuck.Don’t tell me she’s worried, too?
Bel gives me a weak smile. “Busy night, huh?”
I nod and take a swig of the bourbon, loving the burn followed by the deep ache it creates in my belly. “Yes, kinda. Not the type ofbusyI’d prefer, though.” I waggle my eyebrows at her. “I wonder how many people I can get into my bed by dawn. Shall we make a bet?”
Some of her concern evaporates, and she grins, adjusting Drew’s grip on her waist. “No, I’d never bet against you.”
“That’s because you’re smart.” I lean forward and gently press a kiss to her cheek, loving the way Drew stiffens at the innocent touch. He doesn’t say anything, mainly because he knows my relationship with Bel is strictly friends. “Toodles.”
Letting the alcohol lead me, I turn and scan the crowd of partygoers.
“Time for shots,” I shout, raising the bottle. “Let’s get this party started!”
There’s laughter, and several people crowd closer. Bel and Drew slowly fade to the back of the room, where they both prefer to be. I grab a few random bottles off the counter and pour a round of shots that are snapped up faster than I can make them. With a drink in hand, everyone raises their shot glasses, and I clear my throat and jump onto the countertop.
I don’t particularly like the spotlight, but everyone expects me to occupy it at least some of the time. So here goes nothing.
“Here’s to the women who love us terribly, may they soon improve. And may all your ups and downs be under covers.”
The room erupts with laughter, and everyone tosses back their shot. I smile and do the same, continuing to hand out shots to anyone who wants one.
Once the crowd thins, I take another swig of alcohol, this time straight from the bottle. The liquid burns in my throat, and I nearly choke as I examine the label. Shit, I must’ve grabbed the vodka at some point.Vodka is the worst.
A drink is a drink, though. I grimace and take another swig, scanning the crowd for someone who looks alone or lonely—anyone to quiet the voices in my head and allow me to escape for a little while. Irritation pricks at my skin. Everyone seems to be paired up.
Guess that’s what I get for being late.
I squeeze my eyes closed. Maybe I shouldn’t have come after all. Everything is pressing in on me, and the mask is slipping. It always does, no matter how much I try to maintain control.
But it’s too early for this shit. Maybe the incident with the guy in the bar got to me more than I thought. I shove the melancholy thoughts away, shake out my shoulders, and make sure no one can see under the mask now.