Nothing to report.
Good. Good. And … how are things? Mom said you and Hunny were having problems in the clinic earlier.
Tank smirked coldly, though it was more of a grimace while he was in his bear form.Never been better, brother. Why? Were you hoping to ask Hunny out?he asked, a threatening note in his tone that was impossible to miss.
Murphy snorted, and immediately Tank relaxed.Not a chance in hell. I know she’s yours, Tank. And besides, I like my women quiet and meek. Hunny is far too talkative.
You have no idea, Tank told him with a smirk. Even as he said it, warmth filled his heart. Not in a million years would he have assumed he’d be smitten with a female so loud and sassy. Butsure enough, he was in deep with his yapper, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Turning to walk the perimeter anew, he added,How inclined would you be for Hunny to become a permanent addition to the clan?
There was a moment of silence through their bond before Murphy asked,Things progressing that quickly between you?
Not quickly enough, Tank muttered.Hopefully soon. Until then, I want your assurance that she’s welcome here indefinitely.
Tank could practically feel Murphy rolling his eyes.Like my assurance would matter to you at this point.If I told you no, Mom would beat me over the head with a rolling pin. That being said, if it feels right to you, then I don’t see an issue, little brother. Tank only felt a brief stirring of happiness before Murphy added far more somberly,Jason contacted me this evening. Wants to set up a meeting.
What?Tank’s claws curled into the dirt as a red haze of rage filled his vision.What could that fucker possibly want?
There was only one thing that came to mind, and it was the beautiful rabbit currently spreading her scent all over Tank’s bed, right where she belonged. If that wolf thought for one damnedsecondthat he had any claim to Hunny or her kits—
Apparently, Jason’s mate has gone missing,Murphy interrupted, a heavy note of suspicion in his voice.She was last seen near our border a few days back. He didn’t say it outright, but he suspects we’ve taken her prisoner.
A few days ago, that wolf shifter invaded our territory.Tank’s head tilted to the side as he scoped out the woods around him, remaining alert despite the conversation unfolding in his head.But it wasn’t her. The scent was unfamiliar to me.
I told him she wasn’t here, but he’s insistent I meet with him.
In bear territory?
Absolutely fucking not, Tank snapped.I don’t want that piece of shit anywhere near Hunny. But indecision warred within him. He didn’t want his brother venturing into Jason’s territory either. Not alone or with a dozen bears. He didn’t trust the wolves, not for a single second.
We’ve agreed to meet in town. A neutral location.
Tank almost sighed in relief.
There’s a place called ‘Nessa’s Teahouse.’ It’s a human establishment, but apparently the owner is new to the area; likely won’t have heard any rumors about our neck of the woods.
Tank grunted. While shifters, or supernaturals in general, hadn’t revealed themselves to the human population, the advancement of the internet, technology, and social media had made it increasingly more difficult to remain hidden. Using social media also made it easier for rumors to spread from town to town, city to city, which had pros and cons.
Sometimes, the rumors kept people away. But there was a real reason humans never visited bear territory, and that was because the shifters that lived there scared them off. In doing so, they’d set themselves up for all kinds of dangerous tales, some of which were closer to the truth than were comfortable.
Do you think that’s wise?Tank asked.Jason shouldn’t be around humans. The fucker ripped apart the last human, some hiker, that wandered into his territory.
That wasn’t the only thing Jason was known to do with humans, either.Although Tank’s clan had never seen it, rumors spread among the supernaturals, too. Apparently, the wolf pack made money by kidnapping humans and selling them to other supernaturals. Sometimes they even sold submissive shifters and loners, though it was difficult to prove illicit dealings when his pack members were just as twisted as he was.
Given that Hunny was both submissive and a lone shifter, she’d gotten lucky with Jason’s rejection. That evil piece of shit had never deserved her.
He hated that fate had ever led her to her true mate. Although, even as he thought it, he realized the truth; without her meeting Jason, she might have never met Tank. And then where would he be? Alone, in a quiet cabin, lacking a warmth he’d come to recently relish.
It was a sobering thought.
I’d prefer meeting him publicly than allowing him to set foot inside our territory. Hunny doesn’t need the stench of his scent anywhere near her. When we’re in town, though, I’ll make sure he keeps away from the humans, Murphy assured him.He’d be a fool to harm them under my protection.
Tank paused, eyes narrowing in confusion.You hate humans, and yet you’re going to place some of them under your protection?
I plan to placeallthe townspeople under my protection, not just some. It’s the least I can do for bringing a predator into their domain, Murphy replied.