Page 52 of Hunny and the Bear

Tank didn’t disagree with his older brother, though taking responsibility for an entire town meant that if any of them were affected negatively by a supernatural being, Murphy would be honor-bound to defend them, even if the humans didn’t realize it. It also meant that if a human harmed a supernatural, he’d have to answer for their crimes.

When is the meeting?

Two days from now. I’ll have to contact the teahouse in the morning and speak with the owner to book the venue for an hour or two.

I can text you the number when I get home. Owner’s name is Nessa.

I figured that was her name but why the hell do you have the number?Murphy asked in surprise.You hate tea.

Got the business card when Hunny met Nessa the other day. They’ve been talking on the phone daily. She’s a yapper, too. They’ve got some kind of girl date tomorrow.

Tank hadn’t actually been looking forward to Hunny spending more time around humans, but she enjoyed chatting with Nessa. So he’d kept his mouth shut, not wanting to lay his prejudices of humans at Hunny’s feet. Looked like it was a good thing he hadn’t.

Plus, it now gave him an excuse to explore the teahouse while the females hung out and look for any exits or unusual red flags before this meeting with the Moon Rose pack. Hunny could enjoy her ‘girls date’ with Nessa, and Tank could give them space while remaining close enough for protection.

I’m dreading speaking to the human already, Murphy answered, and for a second, Tank felt a sharp stab of sympathy for his older brother. Out of anyone Tank knew, Murphy had the most reason to despise humans. Tank didn’t think he could ever offer protection to humans if he’d suffered the same way Murphy had because of their kind.

And yet, here Murphy was, doing just that. Not just to protect the clan from Jason, but for Hunny’s sake, too. To make sure she felt safe in her own home. He was a strong, honorable Alpha. Tank had always known it, but this only cemented his belief, making him more proud of his brother than he’d ever been before.

Well, just don’t be yourself and I’m sure it’ll go well enough, Murph,Tank joked over the sudden lump in his throat.

Fuck you.

Tank snorted right as Murphy cut off their connection, leaving him alone to wander the perimeter one final time.

Soon enough, his shift was over, and he practically ran back to his cabin, uncaring of the noise he made as he approached his home. Hunny slept like a log anyway, so she’d be passed out despite the commotion. And if a predator was nearby? They’d think twice about approaching when they heard Tank.

Although thereshouldn’tbe any predators nearby—Jasper had sworn to monitor things closely in Tank’s absence. He was still unsettled after the dead rabbit incident, and he didn’t want to leave Hunny alone and defenseless while he was out.

Shifting back to his human form, Tank pushed up the stairs and onto the porch, stepping over the big grizzly at the top step, blocking him from the front door. Jasper, the dipshit, was lounging on his side and sleeping heavily, just like he’d been the last time he’d guarded Hunny.

It should have been irritating as hell to find the guardasleepon duty, but Jasper was the fastest and the most observant of them all, believe it or not. Even sleeping, he’d smell an enemy before they got close. It was too bad those same skills weren’t as honed when family was near.

Tank moved around his brother until the grizzly was between him and the porch stairs. Then he placed his foot in the middle of Jasper’s back, a devilish smirk on his face as he shoved hard.

The grizzly startled awake right as he rolled down the first step, an awkward grunt sounding through the night. His front paws flew forward and his back legs caught onto the railing, causing him to come to an abrupt stop, dangling face-first down the steps. His head slammed into the dirt, paws flailing wildly as he floundered for purchase.

It was a hell of a sight to see.

“Bet you won’t sleep on the job again. Now, get the hell out of here, fucker,” Tank said with a small laugh. Shaking his head, he stepped into his cabin, locking the door. The slight sound ofHunny’s snores reached him, and with his lips turning up into a small smile, he headed up the stairs.

There was no nightstand lamp switched on tonight, not that he needed one to see. The moonlight was bright enough as it shone through the window and it was easy enough to spot his Hunny curled up in bed, blankets snuggly wrapped around her as she slept with his pillow once again clutched to her chest.

His own chest tightened at the sight, and all he wanted was to sink into bed with her. Gritting his teeth, he quietly stomped into the bathroom, taking a quick shower to clean the smell of dirt and sweat from his body. As soon as he had dried off with a towel, he moved back into the bedroom, still naked, excitement clawing at his gut as he lifted the covers.

Hunny’s soft, bare skin greeted him; the delicate slope of her back and the gentle curve of her ass were the perfect things to see at the end of the day. It felt like years since he’d seen her last, not hours, and damn, he’d missed her.

Slipping under the blankets, Tank wrapped his little rabbit up in his arms, adjusting himself just right until he had her cradled to him; her ass snug against his groin and the front of his thighs pressed against the back of hers. With an arm around her waist, he dropped his mouth to her shoulder, breathing her in. He kissed her softly, ignoring the way her scent and body teased his cock to life.

As much as he’d love to pin her beneath him and take his fill of her sweetness, holding her like this brought him just as much pleasure. It wasn’t just the act of sex with Hunny that called to him; it was the way she relaxed into him in her sleep, the trust she had in him to keep her safe and secure, even at her most vulnerable.

And as she shoved his pillow away from her front, rolled over, and pressed her face into his chest, murmuring his namesoftly before she began snoring again, he knew he loved these moments most of all.

Twenty One

Hunny’s eyes slowly opened as she was tugged down the bed by her hips, her legs dangling over a set of wide, muscular shoulders. The room was dark, and before her eyes could adjust to the lighting, warm breath swept over her exposed, wet pussy.

“Hen—” Hunny’s groggy words caught in her throat as Tank licked from her entrance up to her clit with a deep, savage groan. Pleasure exploded from her core as he flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue before sucking it into his mouth and lapping at it hungrily. She arched her back, a startled gasp leaving her as he plunged two fingers into her aching center. “Oh, fuck,Henry!”