Just great.
His upper lip curled in distaste as a low, indistinct rumble of irritation poured from his throat. He looked up at the railing, faint light shining down from the bedroom.
I should go check on her, just in case she needs another blanket or something.The idea barely formed before he had prowled over to the staircase, eager to at least be near her.
He also needed to grab a change of clothing, considering he’d lost his pair of sweats somewhere in the woods and hadn’t bothered to track them down. Ensuring he was quiet, Tank reached the landing, a small lamp on the far nightstand illuminating the room in a soft, delicate glow.
And there, slumbering peacefully on his large bed, was Hunny. Her lilac hair spread over one of his pillows in a thick cascade as she hugged another pillow to her chest, her brows furrowed and her nose twitching as she dreamed. She was still wearing his shirt from earlier, and warmth blossomed in his chest, contentment threatening to burn him alive.
She looked perfect, sleeping in his bed with his shirt wrapped around her body. He eyed the pillow she held with disdain, angry with an inanimate object because she’d cuddled up with that instead of him. It didn’t matter that his scent was likely all over the damned thing; what mattered was thatshewasn’t all overhim.
Moving until he was flush against the side of the bed, Tank reached out, plucking up one of Hunny’s stray curls and rubbing it between his thumb and finger. He’d barely let go when she shifted on the bed. Her eyes still peacefully closed, she grabbed his wrist, tugging him forward.
“Henry? Come to bed so I can finally sleep,” Hunny whispered, her voice thick and drowsy.
Heart kicking up speed in his chest, and refusing to wait for another invitation, Tank peeled back the covers, climbing in beside her until only the pillow she’d been curled aroundseparated them. “You were sleeping just fine without me,” he murmured, glaring down at the pillow.
He didn’t want anything separating them.
“Nope,” she slurred, haphazardly shoving the pillow away from her as he laid onto his back. Then, moving faster than he’d ever seen, Hunny was beside him, plastering her small body to his side as she spooned him. A small arm stretched across his torso, her hand settling on the center of his chest as she dropped her leg on top of his. She made a small sound of contentment, laying her head on his chest. “Much better.”
He huffed out a brief laugh, even as his heart swelled. Then he wrapped his arm around her, bringing her closer still. Her bewitching scent invaded his senses, and his stomach clenched, his cock twitching as it stirred to life. “Better than your pillow?” he asked, clenching his teeth as desire licked up his shaft.
She still hadn’t opened her eyes yet, and Tank was pretty confident she was just talking to him in her sleep. She did that sometimes, which he found adorable.
“Mmhm. Smell good and you’re so warm.” Her fingers sifted through his chest hair with a teasing caress he felt all the way down to his balls. “Want this.”
He swallowed thickly as she stroked him again, taking a shuddering breath to keep himself in check. “My chest hair?” he eventually asked, his voice strained.
Hunny hummed, and his erection flexed, the tip smacking against his lower abdomen. The scent of his desire permeated the air, and he stilled, afraid she’d notice and actually wake up.
He watched her like a hawk, his eyes riveted to her face. Her nose wrinkled up, and then she moaned, pushing her leg more fully over his. Her bare pussy pressed against his thigh, her slick dripping onto him as she rocked herself against his leg, inhaling deeply. “So good.”
“Henry,” she moaned sleepily, and the smell of her sweet desire rose between them.
Oh, fuck me.
Precum dribbled onto his tip, and his hips rocked involuntarily, cock thrusting into the covers as he fought against the urge to roll her onto her back and sink into her hot, wet entrance.
Tank’s muscles tensed, indecision warring with his lust. Should he touch her? Wake her up? Leave before she did something she’d regret?
Before he could do anything, though, Hunny settled back into him and began snoring softly against his chest, leaving Tank with a hard-on from hell. He released a trembling breath, wrapping his arm more firmly around her as he stared up at the ceiling, wide awake as Murphy’s words from earlier taunted him, daring him to act.
To sate Hunny in all the ways she needed. Before it was too late.
Hunny woke in a cocoon of warmth, Tank’s heady scent filling her lungs with every breath she took. Waking up like this, with him being the first thought to cross her mind, was nice. Relaxing and sweet. She’d spent years with survival being her only priority, busting her ass to take care of herself and ensuring she didn’t starve. But since coming here, she hadn’t worried about any of that.
She hadn’t needed to because Tank took care of everything. Considering how independent she’d been for half a decade, it was surprisingly easy to fall into the role of a kept woman, even if they weren’t actually a couple.
Tank was just that good at seeing to her needs. Even now, while he slept, he took care of her. She could feel him behind her, his arm thrown around her waist and his legs cradling hers as he spooned her protectively. As always, Hunny felt safe with him. And happy.
She hadn’t truly felt like that since her parents died. But now? The warm emotion was always present.
Peeling her eyes open, it took her a second to adjust to the light from the lamp on her nightstand. Blinking blearily, she glanced around for a wall clock, but the room was pretty bare.