What time was it? And when had Tank crawled into bed with her?
She shifted slightly, and he murmured something under his breath, his muscled arm tightening around her waist before he pulled her hips back toward him. Something hard, hot, and thick pressed against her bare ass, and her eyes widened into saucers as realization struck.
Oh shit.
Not only was Tankverynaked, his erection was prodding her butt. Hunny swallowed thickly, her fingers curling into the bed sheets as he pushed his cock more firmly against her, grinding his hips against her ass with a throaty groan. Instantly, she was wet, her pussy spasming with need. All she had to do was lift her leg and drop it over his hip, and his tip would brush against her entrance.
She’d be open and waiting for him.
Dragging in a shallow breath, Hunny’s nails tightened around the sheets, and she vaguely wondered if she’d rip them from how fiercely she held on.
What should she do? Should she do anything? She knew what shewantedto do, and that was to turn around, push Tank onto his back, and straddle him. She wanted to take his shaft in hand, guide him to her entrance, and let him sink inside her.
And then she wanted to fuck his brains out, again and again and again.
More slick pooled between her thighs just thinking about it, and her core ached. The last week had been agonizing, dealing with the feeling that she held so much unrequited lust for Tank that she could do nothing about. But she’d smelled hisdesire yesterday; she knew he wanted her. That knowledge had haunted her all night while he’d been gone, but now he was here.
Was he awake? Did he know what he was even doing?
“Henry?” Hunny asked quietly. His breathing remained nice and even, and his hold on her didn’t change in the slightest.
Make a move. Don’t be such a coward. You know he wants you, so do something about it!
Emboldened, or maybe just aroused and delusional, Hunny arched her back, planting her ass firmly against the length of his erection. Tank released a deep, needy growl that she felt everywhere, her nipples hardening in response. His lips pressed against the back of her neck, his body coiling around hers. Warm breath teased her skin, and then he licked her, groaning heavily.
That deep sound was her undoing, and Hunny rolled her hips, stroking his hard length with her ass.
Tank stiffened, and then he launched himself away from her like she’d burned him. Hunny whipped around in surprise as the covers came flying off of her, wrapping around Tank’s body as he fled from her side. They tangled around his legs, and he pitched forward and off the side of the bed, landing on the ground with a heavy thud.
“Oh my god,” Hunny cried, mortified as Tank groaned in pain from somewhere on the floor. “H-Henry, are you okay?”
Hell, wassheokay? She’d made a move on him and he’d run away like she was contagious. All of her confidence disappeared in an instant, leaving her humiliated and on the verge of tears as he pushed himself up from the floor, sending her a bewildered look.
His beard was a mess, his hair stuck to one half of his head, and his chest rose and fell quickly, his breathing loud and uneven. Tank cleared his throat, his eyes widening in alarm when he noticed the tears filling her eyes. “I’m sorry, Hunny. I was sleeping, and I didn’t mean to touch you like that, darlin’.”
‘I didn’t mean to touch you like that.’The words repeated in her head, slowly moving down and twisting through her heart like a knife. Hurt mixed with humiliation and Hunny looked away from him, swallowing thickly.
Of course, he hadn’t meant to touch her. Because he’d been sleeping. If he actually felt attracted to her, that wouldn’t have mattered—it never had before with past partners. But based on how quickly he’d tossed himself from the bed, he obviously found her repulsive.
That had been his way of rejecting her, and the message was loud and clear. How could she have been so stupid? Was she really that lonely, that desperate for affection that she’d imagined everything growing between them?
Her heart squeezed like a vise in her chest, and her lungs burned as she tried to breathe normally. The last thing she wanted now was to break down sobbing and only humiliate herself further.
He didn’t want her after all. His rejection had been clear. And she didn’t know how to react. Didn’t know how to feel. With Jason, his rejection had gutted her. But she knew she’d be fine. That she could persevere.
But Tank rejecting her? This was a level of devastation she hadn’t felt in years.
‘I didn’t mean to touch you …’
She tugged her shirt down, desperate to cover every inch of her body from his gaze as shame joined the party of turmoil swirling around inside her.
How had she gotten her signals so wrong? She couldn’t wrap her head around it, but clearly, she was a freaking idiot. Tank didn’t want to touch her, and she’d taken advantage of him in his sleep. What kind of person did that make her? What the fuck was wrong with her?
Tank stirred, rising from the floor with the sheets now wrapped securely around his waist. “Are you okay? I didn’t make you uncomfortable, did I?”
Hunny snorted, but the sound lacked humor as she slid a hand down her face, keeping her gaze averted. “No, I—” Her throat constricted, and her chin wobbled as she fought to control her emotions, just for a few minutes longer. “No. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You look like you’re going to cry—”