Page 39 of Hunny and the Bear

Tank grunted in response, nodding to the males his brother had brought with him as they each exited the vehicle. The last two to hop out were the twins, Marcus and Dante, both trackers. Including Tank, there were six males in total. More than enough to watch each other’s backs while they searched.

As they began walking toward the heart of the woods, Tank filled the others in on the situation, careful not to exclude a single detail. It wasn’t much, admittedly, but by the time he was through speaking, his throat hurt like a son of a bitch, and hewished he had some of that tea Hunny kept forcing down his throat each morning. It tasted god-awful, but it helped.

“We’ll find out who it is.” Murphy clapped Tank’s bare shoulder. “Hunny doing okay?”

Tank huffed, sending his brother a sidelong glance. “She thinks you’ll want her gone after this.” She’d joked about it, but Tank knew his little rabbit well enough to know this was yet another worry hoisted upon her shoulders, and he wanted it removed. Immediately.

Murphy shook his head, his hand tightening on Tank’s shoulder before he dropped it. “I wouldn’t do that, brother. She’s not at fault for the actions of another.”

He’d known Murphy would say that, but he’d still wanted to make absolutely certain so he could tell his Hunny. Murphy might be a stickler for the rules, but he was a fair Alpha and thoughtful. Unlike some leaders, he took his responsibilities seriously.

They were silent as the other males fanned out. After a few minutes, it was just the two of them, and Tank couldn’t help but ask, “Why’d you want to talk to Hunny alone?” His tone was bitter and full of jealousy, he knew, but he didn’t bother hiding it.

Murphy shrugged innocently. “I didn’t think you’d approve of our conversation, so I didn’t want you a part of it.”

Tank cursed under his breath, his body tensing as his jealousy spiked. “And just what was your conversation about? Are you interested in her?”

Stopping dead in his tracks, Murphy grabbed Tank’s arm and twisted him around until the males faced each other. “No,” Murphy informed him vehemently. “Do you think I’ve got a death wish? I’ve seen the way you look at her, not to mention what I heard from Mom and Jasper. You barely give her aninch to breathe when you’re in the same room, and you glare at anyone who gets within ten feet of her.”

Damn straight, he did.

Murphy raised a brow. “You’re not even going to deny it?”

“Deny what?”

“That you want her,” his older brother stated, lowering his voice into a near whisper.

“No. She’s mine.”

“And does Hunny know this?”

Tank grunted, resuming their walk. Murphy sighed, racing to keep up with him. “I take it by your silence that’s a no.”

He almost didn’t respond, itching to shift into his bear form and go hunting. To escape this barrage of questioning. But he stopped again instead, facing his brother once more. “I don’t want to frighten her off, Murph. She’s been through a lot.”

“That’s true. Plus, her stay with us is only temporary. She could be a bad fit for the clan or decide to leave at any moment. Hell, maybe your overbearing bullshit will frighten her off.” Tank growled at that, and Murphy smirked, adding, “But you won’t know if you don’t make a move, jackass.”

“Fuck off,” Tank snarled, though his brother was right. “I’m giving her time.” It didn’t matter that every day waiting was agony; he’d give her as much time as she needed because, contrary to Murphy’s assumptions, Tank didn’t plan on scaring Hunny off.

He planned on making her his.

“Not too much, I hope.” Murphy sent Tank a sly look. “I heard pregnant females need to be satisfied a lot.”

Lust hit Tank square in the gut like a battering ram. Hissing under his breath, he ripped off his sweats and shifted. His paws had barely touched the forest floor before he took off at a run, needing an outlet for the emotions pouring into him.

All the while, Murphy’s laughter echoed after him.

Hours later, long after the sun had set, Tank wearily made it up the front steps of his porch. He’d searched the woods for so long, hoping to find a trail, a familiar scent,anythinghe could link to the Moon Rose pack. Instead, they’d found nothing but irritation.

He didn’t know what next steps would be taken, if any, but that was a problem for tomorrow. For now? He just wanted to climb onto the couch with Hunny and fall asleep with her body and scent surrounding him. This was the longest he’d gone without her since they’d met, and he didn’t like the separation. At all.

Jasper was napping by the front door, his jowls shaking as the grizzly snored loudly, completely oblivious to Tank’s arrival. Some line of defense he’d been, the little shit.

Quietly opening the front door with a shake of his head, Tank stepped inside, closing the door behind him before locking it. Eyes adjusting to the dark lighting, he looked over to the couch, head tilting in surprise when he spotted familiar blankets folded neatly on the far cushion.

But Hunny was nowhere in sight.

Had she finally slept upstairs? He should have felt relief at the idea; he’d pressed her for days about using the bed because he knew it would be better for her body and would help her feel refreshed and charged for the next day. Although, now that he realized she’d be sleeping up there, he’d be without her at night while he slept down here.