Suddenly, Hunny recalled the first night she saw Tank. How she’d looked into his big brown eyes and seen a lonely soul; asad, kindred spirit. She’d seen a broken male staring back at her then. But now?
She didn’t see that void in him, not like before. Hardly at all, actually. Only when he seemed lost in thought, or when the silence between them stretched on for too long.
“And you think I have something to do with this change?” Hunny guessed quietly, warmth filling her chest at the notion.
“I absolutely do. So I don’t care if you got thrown out of your nest, or if you’re some evil bitch and that’s why your mate rejected you. I care about Tank. And if you’re what’s good for him, I’m more than happy for you to stay.” Murphy pointed at her then, his eyes growing hard. “But if you hurt him, or harm this clan, then I’ll see to it you regret that decision.”
Hunny stared at him like a deer caught in headlights for several seconds as tension filled the room, his vague threat hanging over them both. It was tempting to duck her head and nod in acknowledgment before fleeing out the door, but she was tired of Alpha males thinking they could walk all over her.
Submissive didn’t meanweak.
And she wouldn’t let Murphy think he held all the power, not when she wasn’t a member of his clan.Yet. Hopefully, what she said next didn’t fracture her chances in the future. She took a deep, steadying breath before looking him dead in the eye.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone, least of all Henry. You can believe what you want about lone shifters, and even think I’m full of shit for telling you why I left my nest; I don’t care.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “I can leave right now and never look back. I’ve done it before.”
He narrowed his eyes on her, no doubt thinking the same thing she did; if she left now, Tank might retreat into himself again. She let that truth dangle between them for a handful of seconds before adding, “But I don’t want to leave. I think your brother is wonderful, and I—” Hunny swallowed thickly. “It’sbeen a really long time since I’ve woken up and felt genuinely grateful for the direction my life has taken. So I’d love to stay for as long as I’m welcome.”
“Great,” Murphy supplied shortly. He stood from his chair, waiting patiently for her to do the same.
She did, dusting off her jeans. “What would I need to do to become part of your clan?” she blurted out suddenly, shocking herself as much as Murphy. “I mean, if that was an option. You know, ‘lone shifter’ status aside.” She air-quoted with a roll of her eyes.
“Well, my first suggestion would be to lose the attitude,” the Alpha grumbled. “But then, I’d suspect that’s part of your appeal to my brother.”
Hunny scoffed, crossing her arms and scowling. “I don’t have an attitude.” And he thought Tank found her appealing? Her heart did a little somersault at the thought.
“Alright, Tank Jr., calm down,” he joked dryly.
She raised her brows. “Oh wow, who’s got the attitude now, Murphy?”
“Christ, you’re already pissing me off. You’ll fit right in.” He ran a hand down his face in exasperation. “As for your question, we’ll see how the next few weeks go before we look at any more permanent decisions.”
“I can work with that,” she said softly, hope fluttering in her chest. “But don’t mention it to Henry. Please,” she added, realizing she was bossing an Alpha around. “I just haven’t decided anything yet, and I don’t want him to get his hopes up. Not that my staying would matter to him—”
“Oh, I’m sure he doesn’t care one way or another,” Murphy cut in, heavy sarcasm lacing his voice.
“Ugh, shutup!” Hunny exclaimed, leaving his office.
His chuckle followed her out.
Tank narrowed his eyes as the door to Murphy’s office opened, a smiling Hunny stepping into the reception area. His brother’s laughter floated out after her, and Tank’s mood soured further.
Great. Not only had that jackass asked to speak with her alone, now he was laughing at something she’d said. What was next? The fucker would ask her out on a date?
Over my dead body. Better yet, overMurphy’sdead body.
“What’s got him squealing like a pig?” Tank asked irritably, snatching Hunny’s hand before she could answer. He intertwined their fingers, leading her as far away from his older brother as possible. No way was he going to let anyone else woo her but him.
Pushing through the front doors of the large cabin that acted as the clan’s ‘bear den,’ which acted as the clinic, Murphy’s office, and the primary meeting place for the bear shifters under Murphy’s rule, he led Hunny toward his truck.
“We were just having a heart-to-heart,” Hunny answered with a small laugh of her own, the delicate sound heating his blood even through his bad mood.
“Murphy better keep his heart to his fucking self,” Tank snarled under his breath.
Suddenly, Hunny yanked on his hand, pulling on him until he turned to face her. “What did you say, Henry Sinclair?” she asked menacingly, her nose wrinkling adorably.
Tank cleared his throat, his cheeks heating. “I’m glad you’re getting along with my brother.”