She raised a brow, her green eyes shining at him like gems. “Is that right? It sounded like you said something else.”
He shook his head innocently. “Nope.”
“Good. I’d hate to demote you from the position as my favorite bear shifter because you were acting like a jerk.”
His fingers tightened around hers, and this time he did the tugging, pulling Hunny close until she was flush against him, enjoying the feeling of her softness pressed against the hard planes of his body. He cupped the back of her neck, staring down at her heatedly. “I’m your favorite bear?” he all but purred.
Damned straight, he was her favorite.
She sniffed haughtily, rolling her eyes even as she blushed. “Fornow. But if you get snarly with me again, your ranking could drop.”
Tank leaned in, his lips closer to hers than they’d ever been before as he rasped sensually, “Guess I’ll have to reserve all of my nice for you, darlin’.”
Hunny’s eyes widened, and she released a small squeak. “I—Um,we—”
The scent of her desire filled the air, and it took all of Tank’s strength to keep himself in check. He’d battled this seductive allure for days, and as much as he intended to remain chivalrous for her sake, it was almost impossible. All he wanted to dowas breathe her deep into his lungs, to smash his lips against hers and taste her lush mouth as his fingers delved between her thighs, relieving her of the pressure he’d sensed building up inside of her for a week.
He’d figured out days ago he turned her on, and that knowledge was as delicious as her scent, going straight to his head. Now, he couldn’t help but find ways to tease her, to see what flustered her. He liked learning all about his little rabbit, even while she remained oblivious to his intentions.
One day soon, when she’d healed from everything and was ready to move on, he’d make his move. But until then, he’d enjoy this tug-of-war between them.
Squirming in his hold, Hunny finally broke free, her face flushed and her chest heaving as she breathed hard. “Di-didn’t you promise to take me fishing?” she asked quickly.
“I did.” He raised a brow in mock concern. “Everything okay, darlin’? You look a little flustered.”
“I-I’m fine.” She shifted on her feet, her thighs clenching together. Unashamed, his gaze raked over her figure, settling on the gentle slope of her breasts before moving back up to her face. She gaped at him. “Did you just—” Her mouth snapped shut, and she shook her head. “Nevermind.”
Tank shrugged, turning toward the truck to hide the erection straining in his jeans. Luckily, he was standing downwind of her, his scent concealed in the air. “Let’s head on home, shift, and then you can help me fish, Hunny.”
It didn’t take long to make it back to his cabin from the main house, and it took even less time to shift and head out into the woods. Although shifters rarely bothered with modesty, Tank remembered Hunny asking for his shirt before she changed forms for him the first time, so he ensured she had plenty of privacy.
When he finished shifting, he waited for a small squeak to sound from a nearby bush before he rounded the corner of the house, stopping in front of his tiny rabbit companion. He chuffed in greeting, leaning down to nuzzle the top of her head with his snout.
I forgot how tiny she is, he thought wistfully.Maybe she’ll stay like this and let me hold her later.
It wouldn’t hurt to ask, right?
Hunny, oblivious to his musings, pounced on him, her little paws smacking into one of his giant ones playfully before she jumped away, taking off like a rocket. Not wanting her to get lost, or stumble upon an actual bear, Tank hurried after her, slowing to a brisk walk once he’d caught up.
For nearly half an hour, he let her race around the woods like a bat out of hell, hopping in between his legs, launching herself into bushes and piles of fallen leaves with so much noise, he was sure she’d gain the attention of other predators nearby. She didn’t seem to mind in the slightest, though, trusting him to keep her safe from harm while she frolicked around like a nutcase.
Tank couldn’t get enough of Hunny acting so ridiculous. And the little happy grunting noises she made as she flew by him? Music to his ears. He loved seeing her happy, such a contrast to the despondent female he’d met only a week ago.
They traveled like that for another half-mile; her zooming around the woods while he followed along protectively. Soonenough, his little rabbit grew tuckered out, and she roamed back over to him, slumping at his feet.
What did she intend to do now? They still had another half a mile before they even reached the river.
An idea struck. With a low grunt, Tank lay down on his belly, resting his head on the ground right by her feet. Waiting. When she didn’t get the hint, he nudged her with his snout until she was half laying over the wide bridge of his nose.
Quickly enough, she figured out his intent, her claws digging into his fur as she hopped over his head and onto his back. He felt her shift around, and after a few more seconds, he felt some pressure pull against his fur. Hunny made a muffled chirping sound.
Was she biting his fur to hold on?
Inwardly, Tank laughed his ass off as he pushed back to his feet, wondering how ridiculous this had to look to an outside observer. Luckily, they were alone, otherwise he knew he’d never live this down. Hell, if she told a single member of his family that he’d carried her around on his back, he’d be the subject of emotional blackmail for a decade, at least.
Carefully at first, he began moving at a brisk walk. The fur she held between her teeth tugged against his skin, but it did the trick, keeping her steady. After a few minutes, he kicked up into a run, hyper aware of every slight move she made as he neared the river.