Page 28 of Hunny and the Bear

Just this morning, he’d come to the realization that Hunny feltrightin every way, and now, with her delicious scent filling his lungs, he wanted to test that theory. Wanted to know what she’d feel like beneath him, how good she’d look sleeping in his bed, with his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. At the thought, his arms ached as much as his balls, his hands itching to pull her into a hug.

He didn’t just want her for a couple of nights, either. He wanted her permanently. Even his bear agreed. The beast hadfelt just as protective of Hunny since he’d met her, and now his confusing behavior was all beginning to make sense.

He didn’t enjoy sharing his space, except with Hunny. Didn’t enjoy talking to anyone, except Hunny. Hell, he wanted to build things for her, just on the off-chance she’d move in with him.

And now she is, he thought smugly. A second later, he sobered. He didn’t even know if Hunny was interested in him like that. Her heady scent might permeate the air, but he didn’t know ifhewas the reason for her desire. And he didn’t want to pressure her into anything.

Hunny was vulnerable right now, and he wouldn’t take advantage of that, not for anything.

I can work with slow, he reasoned, dragging in another lungful of her sweet fragrance. His eyes almost rolled back into his head, his bear clawing at him to make a damned move before someone else snatched her up. His upper lip curled in fury at the thought.

So consumed with her teasing scent and his own emotions, Tank didn’t even realize they’d entered the department store until Hunny whipped around, grabbing his arm and tugging him forward. “I have no idea where to go. Lead the way.”

“Where do you want to go?”

“I-I don’t know.” She released a shrill laugh, looking up at him with wide,tooinnocent eyes. “But you should definitely take me wherever is best.”

His brows rose. Was she hoping to keep her scent downwind of him? Lips twitching, Tank opened his mouth, ready to tell her that the cat was well out of the bag and that she shouldn’t be ashamed of her desire.

“Can I help the lovely couple find anything today?” a human male said from over Tank’s shoulder, interrupting them.

Pissed that another male would dare force his way into Tank’s space, woulddareget close to Hunny while she was aroused, he turned on a dime, getting in the male’s face.

“We’re fine,” Tank snapped coldly, a furious rumble building in his chest as he pinned the worker with a hard glare. “Nowleave.”

Face paling, the worker nodded quickly before he turned and scurried away. Tank relaxed, satisfaction rolling through him as the temporary threat abated. His bear gave his own low growl of approval, content with how they’d handled the situation.

“Oh my God,” Hunny seethed, swatting Tank’s stomach hard. Surprised, he looked down at her. “You can’t just terrify someone like that!”

“I told you, I don’t like people,” he reminded her.

“That doesn’t mean yougrowlat them, Henry!” she whispered harshly. “Seriously, you scared him so badly I thought he was going to pee himself.”

Tank shrugged. “Good.”

With a huff of frustration, Hunny ran a hand through her hair. Then she gave him a pleading look that sent a lick of desire straight to his groin, her emerald eyes shining in the overhead lighting. “Will you please not scare anyone else? You can just ignore them and let me do all the talking.” He didn’t answer right away, and she added, “I bet they’ll be just as scared, probably more so, with the silent brooding act.”

He grunted. “Fine.”

Hunny smiled up at him then, and he’d have promised her anything so long as she kept looking at him just like that. Without another word, he took her hand in his, enjoying the feeling of her skin pressed against his as he led her through the department store. Clothes, purses, shoes, perfume, toiletries,puzzles; whatever she set her sights on, Tank made sure she had it.

Luckily, no one else got in their way as they shopped, and when he hauled several items up to a register on three separate occasions, intending to come back to pay for it all, no one had told him no. Granted, they’d looked away from him in a panic each time he approached, but as long as his stuff was accounted for, he didn’t care.

“Should have brought the SUV,” he mumbled under his breath as they unloaded their last armful of goods at the register, ignoring the pain scratching at his throat as he talked. Over the last few days, being more vocal had actually helped overall. Still hurt like a bitch, but his voice hadn’t gone out like it used to, and as long as he paced himself, he could talk for extended periods of time without too much discomfort.

Though, truth be told, he would have talked to Hunny even with hot coals stuck inside his mouth, burning him from the inside out.

“Why an SUV?” Hunny asked.

“More storage space,” Tank replied, watching as the worker began hastily ringing up items, tossing each one into a bag. He almost snapped at her to be careful, but he’d promised Hunny he’d be on his best behavior, and he didn’t want to ruin it now.

Hunny frowned, eyeing all the items with a worried gaze. “I think I overdid it. It’s too much, Henry. I-I should put some things back.”

“No.” He shook his head. She couldn’t live in a home without being comfortable. And he wanted her to always be comfortable and happy. “You need all these things.”

Hunny rolled her eyes. “I don’t need puzzles, Henry. It was an impulse purchase.”

“They’re on sale,” he countered.