Page 29 of Hunny and the Bear

“Okay, but I don’t needsevenof them.”

“One for every day of the week, darlin’. Makes sense.”

Her frown turned into a shy, sweet smile that he couldn’t help but fixate on. “You’re ridiculous. Next, you’ll tell me all the throw blankets I picked out were necessary.”

He shrugged. “You said there were different levels of fluffiness with each one. I believe you.” And he wanted to cuddle her on the couch under each one, too, but he didn’t say that part out loud.

She planted her hands on her hips, sending him a teasing look. “What about the teddy bear for the kit—babies?” She sent a worried look at the cashier, but the woman didn’t even look up from her task. Reassured, Hunny looked back at him. “I won’t even need that for months, so how can you justify it?”

“You smiled when you looked at it,” he replied gruffly. “I like it when you smile.”

Hunny’s eyes widened, and her cheeks turned a delicate shade of red, a blush traveling down her neck and disappearing under her shirt. “Oh.”

“Alright,” the cashier said nervously. “Your total is two thou—”

“What?” Hunny exclaimed in a panic.

Tank shoved his debit card toward the woman. “This’ll cover it.”

Hunny gaped at him, a small squeak escaping her throat. She looked at the cashier next. “I’m sorry;howmuch did you say?”

“Don’t answer her,” Tank warned, taking his debit card back from the cashier along with a long receipt printed from the register, stuffing them into the front pocket of his jeans. Grabbing all the bags, the straps digging into his fingers, he herded Hunny out of the store and back to the pickup truck as she babbled.

“What? No, this has to be some kind of clerical error. There’s no way you spent that much on me. Henry, she said twothousand—”

“Did she?” he asked innocently. Unlocking the passenger side door after a brief struggle with the handle, he crammed several bags into the floorboard. Next, he piled the remaining bags on top, and then eventually filled the passenger seat.

Hunny watched him the entire time with wide eyes. “Oh wow, I’m going to be smashed against you the whole way home.”

Anticipation stirred in his gut. “We can share a seatbelt,” he joked.

With a shake of her head, she looked around, eyes lighting up at something she’d spotted. He followed her gaze to a much smaller store beside the one they’d just visited.

“Alright, let’s go in there.” Tank pointed at the teahouse.

“Oh, no,” Hunny argued. “Absolutely not, Henry. You just spent a fortune.”

He raised a brow. “Well, I’m planning on going in for some tea,” he lied smoothly. He closed the door and locked it. Holding out his hand, he asked, “You going to join me, darlin’?”

Hunny stared down at his palm, indecision warring in her eyes. Finally, she took his hand, intertwining their fingers. He led her into the packed store, for once not even minding the loud voices echoing throughout the small space.

Hunny walked up to a woman with bright blue hair standing behind the counter. She was short, with a tan complexion, brown almond-shaped eyes, a small nose, and a heart-shaped face.

“Hi,” his little rabbit greeted with a bright smile.

The woman behind the counter turned toward her, smiling happily. “Hi, I’m Nessa. Welcome to Nessa’s Teahouse.” She pointed to her name tag with a teasing gleam in her eye. “That’s me, in case I didn’t make it obvious enough.”

Hunny snorted. “I’d be bragging too if I owned something like this. I like the atmosphere here.”

“Thanks! I just opened a few weeks ago. I’m pretty proud of it all.” She sent Tank a curious look, but she didn’t seem unnerved by his size or surly demeanor in the slightest. “Are you two hoping for a romantic table for two? I can see if I can find something for you, though we’re a bit packed at the moment.”

“Oh.” Hunny blushed. She waved her free hand between her and Tank, looking flustered as she said, “W-We’re not a couple.”

Nessa tilted her head curiously. “Do you hold all your friend’s hands?”

“What?” Confused, Hunny followed Nessa’s gaze, staring at her and Tank’s intertwined fingers. “Huh. I hadn’t even realized,” she mumbled to herself. He squeezed her fingers in reassurance, silently letting her know she could let go if she wanted to. Instead, she kept her grip firm.

“Get whatever you want,” Tank instructed softly. He leaned in close, whispering in her ear, “I came in here because I could see you wanted to.”