It was the only reason she had agreed to a dinner she was not looking forward to attending.
Not only was she going under false pretense, but she was giving him hope that they were in an actual relationship.
Even after he had fallen asleep after making love to her for the third time, she was unable to fall asleep. He was curled up on her stomach, his hand wrapped around her, his leg trapping both of hers as if afraid she was going to sneak out.
She was in a quandary and that was too mild a word for it. She was a cop involved with the man she was investigating. And was going to have to tell him eventually, but she had to keep it to herself for now. And what was worse was that she had feelings for him. Complicated feelings, but feelings, nonetheless.
To her shocked surprise, she felt tears burning the back of her eyes.
Even if she was free to be with him, it wouldn’t work. They were from two different worlds. As far apart as two people can ever be.
A cop and a multi-billionaire. Shaking her head, she sighed raggedly. She was going to have to say goodbye to him eventually, but God forgive her, she was going to take advantage of just being with him at this moment.
“Will I see you tonight?” He asked it casually, but she could tell that her answer was important to him.
She had told him she had to make an early start because she had some things to take care and he had not argued, because he had to be in early as well.
“Aren’t you afraid we’ll get tired of each other?” He had made coffee, and she was enjoying her second cup.
“I’m sure you will let me know when that happens.” He came around the counter and turned her to face him. They had taken a shower together and that had turned into something much more. The man had a stamina that did not cease to amaze her.
“I’m sure I will. You know I’m only coming back for the excellent coffee and the sex of course.”
“I feel so used.” Tilting her chin up, he brushed his lips against hers. “You’re in my blood stream.” He whispered. “And I’ll never get tired of looking at you.”
“You say that now.”
He rubbed his hands up and down her arms. He had seen the bullet mark on her left shoulder as well as the knife cut on her abdomen and asked her about them. She had a lie in place and had told him she had been mugged.
“Yes. Why?”
“Nothing. I don’t like the idea of you being hurt.”
She had almost said it goes with the territory, and it scared her that she wanted to tell him who she really was and be done withthe lies. She was sick to her stomach that she was deceiving him. But it couldn’t be helped. She had started it and had to finish it.
“Well?” He broke into her reverie and stared at her quizzically.
Her heart veered crazily at the look of absolute pleasure on his face. “Good. What would you like to eat? I will instruct the housekeeper on what to prepare.”
“Anything is fine with me.”
“How about grilled lobster? We could eat by the fire in the living room.” He tucked a tendril of her hair away. “I was thinking we could also go a round or two in the ring.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Is that the usual activity for a date?”
He chuckled and pressed a kiss on her lips again. “You happen to be an unusual woman. Finish your coffee.”
She was early. And that was very good. The squad room was quiet for a change as the shift change had not already taken place. She went swiftly to her office and closed the door behind her. Merrick had poured her a go cup of coffee and she went to get a cup to pour some in and went behind her desk.
Propping her feet up, she wrapped her fingers around the cup and inhaled the wonderful scent of superb caffeine and studied her board.