She would go through the evidence again, this time with a fine-tooth comb. They were missing something. A key -piece of evidence.
Or missing someone. She had listened keenly to Merrick last night as he spoke about his company and knew without a doubtthat he would never be involved with any illegal drugs. He had been too passionate about maintaining the integrity of the company and she believed him.
It was not her emotions talking, she was practical, or usually was, and very good at nosing out these things. But someone close to him was involved and she had the feeling that it was his nephew Jason. It could be his brother too.
She had dug up some info on Maurice Pendergast. Not only was he the lesser of the two, but he had been given a glorified position. The man did not have the initiative and drive to make anything happen and that had to sting.
Merrick was the big shot. He had taken the company from millions to billions. He was brilliant and innovative and was not just a figurehead. The man worked like a fiend.
She had seen the photos of him – with the president, sitting in on a global meeting. Ones with him walking through a third world country and setting up clinics.
He was a humanitarian as well. It had broken her heart a little to realize that he had set up scholarships in the names of his unborn son and his fiancée. The woman was pretty in a soft and ethereal kind of way, with her sable brown hair and large green eyes.
Margo had spent time studying Laura Wilkin’s photo and felt the faint twisting of her heart. Was he still in love with her? Of course he was. How could he not be?
Shaking her head, she went back to studying her board. She was frowning at a group photo from one of the clubs when the door was pushed open.
“That’s not cop coffee.”
“Good morning to you, too.”
“You’re early!” Brad came into the room and sat on the edge of the desk. Snagging the cup from her, he took a sip and closed his eyes in ecstasy. “Where the hell did you get this?”
“It shall remain a secret.” She snagged it back and shoving from the desk, moved closer to the board.
What do you see?”
“A bunch of idle rich kids.” He moved closer to stand next to her. “Why?”
“Him.” She jabbed a long finger on the glossy photo. “He looks familiar, and I have seen him in several of the photos.” She walked over to rest of the photos and stared intently. “Jesus Christ! How did we miss this?”
“Miss what?”
“That’s fricking Jason Pendergast.”
He moved closer, a frown touching his brow. “Are you sure?”
“See for yourself.” Taking up her pointer, she aimed it at the photos, one at a time.
“The common denominator.” He murmured as he continued to study the photos. Without thinking, he took her coffee cup and finished it in one gulp. Fortunately for him, she was too preoccupied to care.
“What does this mean?”
“It means we are going to dig into this little sucker’s life.”
She flashed him a look. “I know how to do my damn job.” Turning away from the board, she sat on the edge of the desk. “I’ve been invited over for dinner.”
“Come again?”
Avoiding his shocked gaze, she went to sit behind her desk and booted up her computer.
“It’s just dinner!” She rushed to say. “I want to get a close up look at the family and make my own impressions. Especially of Jason.”
Brad had to tamp down the anger rising up inside his throat.
“Come again?”