Self-defense is self-defense.
When I’d told my dad about it this morning, even he’d been ready to fire Arthur. But I’d promised her last night we wouldn’t do that. Unless things get worse. If he doesn’t back off and stop putting his hands on her, he’s out. Period.
“Let me ask you something, James.” I pull away from the gate and start heading back to the shop.
“Go for it.”
“What do you think of Arthur Kidress?”
James snorts. “I think he’s a snot who didn’t have enough structure growing up.”
“So you don’t like him?”
“Not at all. He’s lazy. Most of us have to go behind him and finish up whatever he’d been supposed to be doing because he lacks any kind of pride in his work. He’s a passerby.”
Passerby is a term we use for people who won’t be staying long at the ranch. Those who clearly have no pride in their work and therefore have no reason to stick around.
“He’s got a mouth on him, too,” James adds. “Mostly muttering under his breath, though I think that’ll change now that Sammy took a swing at him.” He chuckles. “Girl has a mean right hook.”
The pride in his voice makes me smile.
“What about Sammy? How do you feel about her? Right hook aside.”
“She’s great. Hardest worker here. Besides me, of course.” He winks. “She’s up first, in last, and always leaves the gates the way she found them.”
I chuckle. “Ranch rule number one.”
“Ranch rule number one,” he repeats. “She’s quiet… keeps to herself most of the time.”
“Think she’s a passerby?”
He considers. “She’s a hard one to read. Doesn’t speak much about her life. I get the feeling she left something behind she doesn’t want to revisit.”
I get the same feeling. That, and she’s hiding something. Though I keep reminding myself that it’s none of my business unless it affects the ranch.
“I’m glad she’s at least working out so I don’t have to fire two hands.”
“You planning on getting rid of Arthur?”
“Possibly. Keep it between us though.”
“Lips are sealed, boss.”
We’re just pulling up to the shop when Arthur strolls out. He glances our way, and I get a look at the black eyes he’s sporting as well as the bandage on his nose. Lani wanted to have it reset last night, but he wouldn’t let her anywhere near him. Now, it looks like he’ll have a slightly crooked nose until either he gets it fixed or puts his hands on Sammy again and she hits him from the other side, knocking it straight.
I park the UTV and climb out. “You get the stalls cleaned out?” I ask him.
“Sure?” I try not to pull out the boss card often, but the blatant disrespect has anger roaring to life inside me.
“Want to try answering that again?” James questions.
“You asked if I got the stalls done. Yes, I got the stalls finished. I was just about to head home and take some more meds for this massive headache I have. If, of course, that’s okay with you?”
He’s trying to get a rise out of me, which makes him an idiot. I don’t have to bite. And I won’t. “Fine by me. Feel free to take the rest of the afternoon if you want it.”
Arthur heads off in the direction of the cabins, muttering something under his breath. I just let it slide. No reason to get allworked up over someone who is proving every single day that he doesn’t need to be here.