“Sammy, honey, good to see you,” Ruth greets.
Brayden cuts in, “Mom, can we use Dad’s office?”
Her face goes serious. “Of course, go on.”
“Come on.” Bradyn gestures down the hall, so I head past him, stopping at an open door that looks like it goes into an office. As soon as we’re inside, he shuts the door then moves around me to lean back against the desk. “What happened?”
I nod.
“What about him? Did he do something to you?” Bradyn’s face turns beet red, and his hands clench into fists at his sides.
“No. I punched him.”
Bradyn stops and leans back against the desk. “Why?”
“He was hurt and therefore saying all of these stupid things. Then when I tried to leave, he grabbed my arm. So I swung. I’m sorry, I know the ranch has a no-violence policy, but I’m notsure what happened. I just saw red. If you have to fire me, I understand, but please consider granting me a second chance.”
Bradyn studies me. “I’m not going to fire you, Sammy, but I need to know what Arthur did to provoke you. If it was a threat or you were worried he’d hurt you, I won’t allow him to remain here.”
“No, he didn’t threaten me. He was just angry, that’s all.”
“About what?”
How much to tell him? I decide to stick with all of it since it was likely overheard by James, anyway. “Arthur asked me out a couple of days ago. I said no because I’m not big on dating right now. He was fine until he saw me arrive home with you last night. He accused me of dating you because you’re wealthy then said a bunch of other things that angered me. I tried to walk away. When he grabbed my arm, I snapped.”
I expect Bradyn to be furious that Arthur made such an accusation. I expect him to laugh at the very idea of dating me. Instead, the handsome cowboy simply stands up and moves around me to open the door to the office. “Let’s get you some ice.”
“Ice? You’re not going to lecture me or write me up?”
“Why would I?”
“Because I probably broke his nose.”
Bradyn chuckles. “It sounds like he tried to make us both look like fools by accusing you of being after money and me being gullible enough to date someone after my money. And it sounds like you were simply defending yourself when he put his hands on you. I don’t see any reason to write you up.”
“Really.” He smiles. “Now, let’s get you some ice, and I’ll call Lani to swing by on her way home so she can check in on Arthur’s nose.”
“All right, that’ll do it.” I straighten and roll my shoulders then step back and examine the gate we just rehung. It hadn’t been fully down, though it was sagging enough that it was only a matter of time.
“Looks good.” James, the ranch hand who’s lived and worked here the longest, lifts the box of tools and carries them over to the UTV. He sets them in the back before getting into the passenger side while I climb behind the wheel.
I was supposed to be bringing Arthur Kidress out here since, out of everyone, he needs the most hand-holding when it comes to performing tasks around the ranch. Honestly, even without what happened last night, I’m about ready to fire him.
The man just has no attention for details. Mainly, the rule of leaving the gates exactly as you find them. If it’s open, leave it open. Closed? Secure it behind you. His inability to do the latter led to a few of the cattle getting loose earlier today and us having to round them back up.
But last night was just icing on the cake.
Seeing Sammy wild-eyed and afraid she was going to lose her job unlocked an anger in me I don’t know that I’ve ever felt on the home front. Of course, we wouldn’t have fired her for that.