“Sure thing, boss. Any particular reason?” the man seated at the end of the table asks.
River smiles, but I see no humor in it. Does the man he called Javier see the same threat that I do? Likely not. “Not at all, I have something I wish to discuss with you. An opportunity I think you’ll really appreciate.”
Javier grins like he just won a prize. But by the body language River is sending off, that prize is a one-way ticket to the grave. “Great.” He turns and leaves, and River waves at his other guests as they vacate the suite, piling onto the elevator in two separate groups.
Soon, it’s just River, Yarrow, Bianca, and me.
“One word and we’ll come in,” Michael says through the earpiece.
“You’re not alone in there,” Elijah adds.
“Are we finally to the part where you’re going to explain what all of this is about?” I demand.
River looks over my shoulder toward the guard stationed at the elevator. He nods once, and my hand grips the knife in my lap.
Suddenly pain shoots through my head as a loud screeching noise comes from the earpiece tucked away in my ear. It takes me by surprise, but I try to remain calm. Breathing through the pain.
Bianca, though, cries out in surprise.
“Go ahead and remove that thing, darling, it’s not going to stop until you do.”
She rips it from her ear and sets it on the table.
River looks at me. “I know you have one, too, SEAL. Go ahead and take it out.”
“Why don’t you come take it out for me?” I growl.
River’s expression turns amused. “You really are a hard man, aren’t you? I thought having a daughter might soften you up.” He snaps his fingers, and I lunge to my feet. But I’m not quite fast enough. Two large men grip my shoulders and slam me back down into the chair.
“No!” Bianca yells. “Get your hands off of him!”
Yarrow yanks her back down into her chair as thug one sticks his fingers into my ear and rips the earpiece out.
He tosses it on the table and the men release me.
“I remember you used to like doing things the hard way before too. Some things never change, huh?”
“Why are we here?” Bianca snaps.
River stands. “We’ll get to that. But since I imagine that team that was waiting downstairs will be up here soon, we’ll be leaving.”
“We’re not going anywhere with you,” I snarl.
“I’m afraid you really have no choice.”
Without hesitation, Yarrow yanks a syringe out of his pocket and drives it down into Bianca’s neck.
“No!” I lunge up, but the two men behind me slam me back down into the chair.
Her gaze locks on mine, and I’m forced to watch as she slips away, her eyes rolling back in her head, her face falling slack.
“She better survive,” I growl. “Or there’s nothing that will save you.”
“Oh, SEAL, if only I were afraid of you. Now, pick her up, and let’s get going.”
Yarrow lifts Bianca into his arms, and a low growl leaves my chest. “I’ll carry her.”