Because I’d know that voice anywhere. Dark hair. Tall. Brown eyes. Small scar at the corner of his mouth. Yarrow Bridges is the last man I ever wanted to see again. Even less so than the murderous uncle sitting beside me.
He’d been my closest friend, once upon a time.
Until he’d tried to take what I wasn’t freely giving, and I kicked him so hard in the groin he vomited all over the dress I’d been wearing.
He also happens to be the man my father was trying to marry me off to on my eighteenth birthday. The son of a respected business ally my father wanted familial ties with. I’d realized too late that I was a pawn to be used in his twisted game of power.
And it was even later that I realized Yarrow was just like him.
“Darling, it’s been too long.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head, then takes a seat beside me.
I don’t look at him. I can barely breathe thanks to the anger singing in my veins.
Looking to Silas, I try to assure myself that it’s all going to be fine. Because I’m not seventeen anymore. I’m not alone in a room. I’m here, in public, with Silas, whose gaze is locked on Yarrow.
“How rude of me. Silas, this is Yarrow Bridges, Selena’s fiancé.”
The ferocity of Silas’s glare is something I’ve only ever seen one other time—when he’d discovered who I truly was. Then, we’d been in a jungle, dressed in the tattered remains of our clothing. We’d been starving, exhausted, dirty.
Now we’re dressed to impress, food right in front of us, yet his look is still the same.
Disgusted at my betrayal.
“No,” I snap. “He’s not.”
“Darling, why must you always be so stubborn?” Yarrow snakes an arm around my shoulders.
Silas leans in. “If you want to keep that arm attached to your body, I strongly suggest removing it from her vicinity.”
Yarrow’s grin spreads. “This is the infamous Silas Williamson then? The formidable Navy SEAL who managed to somehow escape being chained up in a locked room?”
“It is,” my uncle replies. “I told you he’s impressive.”
“I don’t see it.” Yarrow keeps his arm around my shoulders.
Silas starts to scoot back, but River clicks his tongue. “Stay right where you are, Silas. There’s no violence here. Remember our deal?”
“You didn’t make that deal with me,” Silas snaps.
“Easy, Silas,” Lance says through the coms. “Keep a level head.”
“I made that deal with Bianca on your behalf. Any violence here and I’ll send a team right into that little town of yours.”
We might as well be trapped in a cage, but the look I give Silas promises freedom if he only remains calm. We will find a way out of this.
Please, Lord, let us make it out of this.
Dinner passes with the speed of molasses in a Montana winter. All around me, guests at the table talk happily, discussing everything from sports to the financial market, but I can hardly hear them. I might as well be underwater for how well I’m paying attention to anything—anyone—except Bianca.
Red ebbs at the corners of my vision as I stare at the man introduced as Bianca’s fiancé. He’s a predator, that much is clear just from the way he’s eyeing Bianca as she sits beside him, her body rigid.
She’s staring straight down at her plate, and I imagine she’s working just as hard to keep her head as I am. Truth is, I want to rip him out of that chair and throw him from the balcony.Remain calm.The words echo in my head, bouncing back and forth and somehow managing to ease a bit of my nerves.
Finally, River stands and announces, “Thank you all for coming to my lovely dinner party. I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Javier, can you please wait for me in the office?” He gestures to a door off to the right.