“I don’t think I would have only wanted to be yourfriend…” His voice had adopted that same soothing quality that had calmed her so many times before. “The time wasn’t right then, little girl, but it is now.”
“I guess so, sir.”
She reached for his face, skimming her fingers over his soft, dark stubble. His hair was starting to gray in places, but rather than perturb, the sign of his age only heightened her desire. She wanted himbecausehe was so self-assured and experienced. It was, though, the first time she’d taken the initiative to touch him proactively, and his eyes widened at her temerity.
“What are you doing, little girl?” His tone was amused, but the query elevated her already racing pulse.
What did it matter how Graham had known Kyle? Her husband was gone, and he wasn’t coming back. Despite her qualms about his view of what was happening at Brock Hall, Graham didn’t get an opinion on what she chose to do next. Whatever her late husband’s misgivingsmighthave been, she was ready for a shot of genuine happiness.
“Touching you.” Her fingertips stilled as their gazes collided. Had she overstepped some unspoken line by caressing him? She was only his housekeeper after all, except she wasn’t, was she? Their burgeoning relationship had already been established. “I want you, sir.”
“I know.” He pressed a chaste kiss to the edge of her wrist. “And you shall have me, Amy, but do me the courtesy of remembering who’s in charge.”
“Yes, sir.” Flushing, her wrist moved to withdraw, but his hand captured it in a heartbeat, holding it in place as he continued.
“Who’s in charge, little girl?” His voice had shifted again, taking on that more commanding tone he employed when she was at his feet.
“You are, sir.” There was no shame in her admission. She’d heard the way Shaun had referred to him as William earlier and had fleetingly wondered why she’d never been permitted to use his first name, but the will to defer to him had become so ingrained that ‘sir’ seemed to suit him better. Perhaps he’d been right to insist she used it? “You’re in charge.”
“I’m glad we’re clear about that.” He tugged her hand to his lips and grazed a line of hot kisses over the edge of her palm, sending electricity speeding along her arm. “Because I’m just about ready to give you everything I’ve got, Amy.”
She blinked at him, certain she must have misheard. “Sir?”
Everything?Had he just said everything?
“What do you mean?”
His thumb stroked a small circle in the middle of her palm, the rhythmic nature of the deed hypnotizing her.
“This.” He gestured around at the gigantic hall with a nod of his head. “Brock Hall, the money, but more than that… me.”
She pulled in a breath, unsure if this was all really happening. She’d had similar dreams since she’d been there, nights where visions had fooled her into thinking she could bend Kyle to her will and secure the kind of fairy tale future for herself and her sons that surely never happened in real life, but the motion of his digit assured her she was not dreaming.
They were really there in the entrance to his mansion.
He was really saying those things.
This is happening.
“I…” Her jaw fell open as she considered the enormity of what he might mean. He was ready togive her everything? Up until then, he’d been more than generous, giving her what she needed for a price, but his new assertion sounded like there was feeling behind it. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Let’s go somewhere more private.” He captured her hand in his and turned to the stairs, his long strides compelling her to follow him.
Struggling to catch up, she glanced his way as they ascended the steps, but his focus remained fixed on the landing above and wherever he had in mind to take her after that. As they reached the top step, she assumed he’d turn right to take her to the small but comfortable room he’d assigned her. She was bewildered then to find him starting in the other direction and heading off down a corridor she couldn’t recall ever walking before.
“Sir?” She whispered the word, even though she knew Jonah was located in the opposite direction and there was nobody else around. “Where are we going?”
“I already told you.” His voice was playful. “In a matter of speaking.”
She hardly noticed the no-doubt priceless artwork adorning the walls as he led her past the canvases, her attention glued to his profile.
Why is he talking in riddles? He hasn’t told me anything.
“I said I’d take you somewhere you’ve never been before.” His smile sent the butterflies in her stomach into a fresh frenzy. “So that’s where we’re going.”
“Okay.” She swallowed, grappling for composure. Kyle had managed to get her on the back foot again. She hadn’t seen the curveball coming.
Glancing around as they walked, she tried frantically to find her bearings with something she recognized—a light fitting perhaps, a statue or a photograph—but there was nothing. She was sure she’d never been to this part of the house.