“Once Jonah is back and the house is secured, I have a surprise for you, little girl.” His cock strained against his pants, a fact she was no doubt more than aware of as he pushed it against her hip.
“This, sir?” One of her hands lowered to stroke the hard length tenting his trousers.
“Yes, that.”
He chuckled at her forwardness, but rather than admonish her, the gesture only made him want her more. They were past that initial awkwardness, and he was glad. The fact she was comfortable enough to be so brazen around him was warming. Since Jonah had arrived, he’d noticed how much more relaxed she’d become at Brock Hall. Kyle couldn’t spontaneously strip and spank her anymore—a fact that possibly contributed to her increased sense of peace—but if it was possible, the time they had together was even more passionate. Every touch was vital, every look furtive, as if they were grabbing private time in an illicit display of urgent lust.
“But tonight, little girl.” His hand moved to her ass and squeezed the tight orb until a groan escaped her throat. “I want to take you somewhere you’ve never been before.”
Chapter Fourteen
Snuggling into the large robe Kyle had found for her, Amy watched as her son and her lover made small talk about the appetizers at Worthington’s. With Jonah safely back at Brock Hall and seemingly content with his evening, the conversation seemed normal enough, but it was the things not said that she noted the most.
She never mentioned how much she’d also enjoyed the food there, probably because she wasn’t ready to havethatconversation with Jonah yet. At some point, he would want to know more about the night she’d first gotten to know Kyle and how the arrangement blooming before them had come to fruition, but not then.
She couldn’t discuss things with Jonah when the crackle of magnetism tugging her to Kyle was so strong, she could almostfeelit. Not when all she could think about was the elusive vow Kyle had made to her—he wanted to take her somewhere she’d never been before…
What did that mean? Her pulse sped up at the thought.
Similarly, Kyle didn’t divulge who owned the restaurant when Jonah complimented the place, as though he, too, was impatient to move past the pleasantries and satisfy the desire that was becoming increasingly difficult to control.
The details of Jonah’s outing seemed tiny and irrelevant in the ballooning expanse of sexual tension that was growing in the huge hallway. It was a pressure that started in the center of her chest and mushroomed, stretching out past her pulsing clit to every extremity and swallowing up the air around her until she struggled to take another breath.
Please.She sent the word to Kyle silently.Make our excuses and wrap this up. I need you.
She wanted to hear how Jonah’s time with his friends had been, wanted to know how he was coping amid all the stress surrounding his studies and his trial, but at another time—when she could think straight, and her next breath wasn’t reliant on the light shining in Kyle’s eyes.
Kyle glanced her way, as if he had heard her thoughts. “I’m happy you had a good time, Jonah.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Jonah shifted his weight from one foot to the other, clearly able to read the room. “I think I’ll head to bed.”
“Good idea, love.” Had she sounded a little too eager? “You must be tired.”
“Right.” Jonah’s attention slid between them, his gaze lingering on the fact she was barefoot and dressed only in a robe, though he didn’t comment about her attire. “Good night, then. We’ll catch up at breakfast.”
He forced a smile as he started the long trek up Kyle’s enormous staircase, only glancing back once when he reached the galleried landing. She watched his progress until he disappeared from view, her heart drumming faster as the energy in the hall ratcheted.
“That was awkward.” Ultimately, she spoke to ease the tension knotting in her body, but she could see the relief on Kyle’s face as he walked toward her.
“He said it himself.” He eased the loose strands of her hair that had been captured inside the robe. “He knows there’s something going on between us.”
“Yes.” She cringed, recalling the earlier conversation. “But did we have to give him such a graphic illustration, sir?”
“Come on now.” Kyle’s hand slid to the back of her neck. “I didn’t have you bent over the table as he walked in, Amy. We’ve been very conservative.”
His lips curled at the quip, and instinctively, she burst into laughter at the preposterous mental image he’d painted. The idea of being caught fucking by her grown-up son was not the type of humiliation she was into.
“True.” It felt good to smile at his reasoning. Amy sensed some of the disquiet easing from her shoulders. “This is just new to me. There hasn’t been anyone else since Graham, and well… he and I didn’t exactly have the most carnal relationship.”
Kyle’s lips twitched. “Understood, but if it’s okay, I’d rather not think about you and your husband together.”
“Fair enough.” She craned her neck to look at his handsome face. “I’m just sorry I never got to meet you when he was alive. Maybe we could have been friends?”
It still seemed strange to think that Kyle and Graham had professional links. Graham’s work had always seemed so dull, whereas Kyle’s had a mysterious and tantalizing quality—hell, she still didn’t even knowhowhe’d made his money—she couldn’t see many scenarios where the two men would have crossed paths.