Page 38 of His Dark Hunger

It hadn’t been that long since he’d taken her to the spa and fucked her there, so surely, she recalled? But then, he supposed, she had been through a lot since then.

“The spa?” She sounded so uncertain he wanted to take her in his arms right then and there, but she was right. Her son would return imminently, and that new impulse to protect her insisted they needed to act.

“That’s right.” Taking her hand, he guided her across the house to the spa at the rear of the property. “You can change there, get snug,andprotect your modesty.”

She laughed as he pushed the heavy door open and flicked on the sidelights to the spa. The large, wooden space was illuminated around her.

“I don’t think I have much modesty left, sir.”

“Perhaps not.” He leaned against the wall, watching her. “Are you sorry about that?”

She stilled as though the intensity of his stare had cemented her to the spot. “No.” Glancing up through her lashes, she offered him a small smile. “You’ve given me so much, sir. Offering you my humility seems the least I can do.”

Good answer, little girl.

“I’m pleased to hear you say that.” Pushing away from the wall, he signaled for her to come forward. The air around them grew thicker as she inched in his direction. “I want you to undress now.” He tugged at the sleeve of his jacket. “This is far too big for you, anyway.”

She shrugged out of the fabric, revealing her incredible breasts, and his cock sprung to life at the sight of her.

“I wanted to say thank you for allowing me to wear it, sir.” She caught the jacket in her right hand and pressed it toward him. “It helped me a lot tonight.”

“You did amazingly well.” He took the jacket from her fingers, and with one casual throw, he cast it aside to the bench. “I’m so fucking proud of you.” Snaking his arms around her semi-nakedness, he pulled her close until her tits were pressed against his torso.

“Thank you.” She sighed the words into the shirt at his chest, her delicate arms wrapping around him. “I want to make you proud, sir.”

“And horny.” One hand rose to fist her silky hair. “You make me fucking horny as well.”

“Yes.” Her voice rasped as she lifted her chin to look into his eyes, and there, in her incredible gaze, he could see the weight of her emotion reflected back at him. Her thoughts and expectations, but her simmering

feelings, too—the evidence of everything he sensed within himself. “You always make me feel that way, sir.”

“I want to reward you for playing along tonight.”

Playing along?

Was that what she’d done? As she recalled, Kyle hadn’t exactly given her much choice in the proceedings.

“I’d like that, sir.”

She didn’t query him. In fact, the way she pressed herself against his body told him his choice of vocabulary wasn’t on his mind at all. She had something hotter and more urgent there.

“Let’s get you changed then.” The hand around her waist shifted to tug at the outfit that had served them both so well. A woman as wonderful as Amy needed nothing to incentivize her. “Jonah will be back soon.”

“Mmmm.” The smile that met his eyes was impish.

Collecting the hem of the dress, she yanked it over her head. Standing there, bunched up material in hand, she was the center of his everything. She might have been the one on her knees earlier, but to Kyle, she was a fucking goddess.

“Should I keep the dress, sir?”

“Give it to me.” His aching balls were making it difficult to think, but clasping for the dress she pushed his way, he threw in the same spot where his jacket had landed. “Want to know what I have in mind?”

“Yes, please.” Her palms pressed against the white linen of his shirt, her voice breathless.

A million questions danced in her eyes, and he could guess at their content. Presumably, she sought to know what would happen at the end of her trial. She was likely also worried about Jonah and the money she owed him on her son’s behalf. It was true that they needed to discuss all of those things, but at that moment, none of them mattered. There was only the fire burning in his blood and that deep, insatiable need they could never satisfy.

He longed to fuck her but also to know her.

He wanted to be closer to her than any man had ever been before.