“Perfect.” His word halted her, and he allowed her another moment to settle. “This is how I like to spend every evening.”
Lifting one, then the other foot, he rested them gently on the small of her back, watching her responses carefully. Her breathing increased a fraction, but head lowering, she seemedresolute. They both knew she was capable of maintaining the position for a while and how much her glorious pussy would relish the objectification.
“I’ve got to get me a footrest like that,” Nigel chuckled. “It’s only a shame she’s not naked.”
“Some things are for my eyes only.” Kyle glared in Nigel’s direction.
“Fair enough.” Shaun balanced his almost empty glass on the arm of his chair. “I, for one, appreciate the invitation to meet the lovely Amy and see what you have going on here.”
“She is impressive,” Stuart agreed. “Especially because she’s so ‘on board’ with the treatment.”
Kyle’s attention darted to her face, noticing the way her eyes had closed. If it had only been the two of them, he might have rebuked her for blocking him out, but given the circumstances, he could understand her reasoning. She was quiet and still—everything he’d asked for and more than well-behaved enough to be suitably rewarded once the others had departed.
“I believe we’re both giving each other what we need.” Kyle’s focus never left her face as he went on. “Amy has given me someone to adore, and I think I’m enabling her to be truly vulnerable without judgment for maybe the first time in her life.”
Kyle watched her breaths transform into labored pants as he, presumably, hit the nail on the head. He comprehended her reaction. The dynamic between them was as much a revelation to him as it clearly was to her.
“It might be difficult to understand if you’ve never experienced it.” He forced his gaze around the room, briefly acknowledging the men he’d invited.
“You seem happy.” Shaun offered him a smile. “I’m pleased for you, William.”
She inhaled, interrupting the sound of the crackling fire.
“Thank you.” He raised his glass to take a sip. “Iamhappy. This arrangement works for us both.”
“Happy, my ass!” Stuart snorted as he motioned to Kyle. “He’s having the time of his life!”
Kyle smirked as a fresh round of laughter rumbled around the room. He couldn’t deny Stuart’s logic or Shaun’s conclusion. Life with his little girl at his feet was increasingly sweet.
Waving from the door, Kyle watched as Shaun’s car crawled slowly over the pebbled drive. Fueled by what they’d witnessed and apparently in need of a woman’s touch, the other three had taken a car into the city half an hour before, but Shaun had stayed and chatted with Kyle while Amy was curled up in the safety of his lap.
The time as a trio had been shorter than Kyle would have liked, but closing the door, he was glad they’d had the opportunity. Shaun was a good guy—maybe the best he knew—and as he secured the lock, he reconciled to spend more time with him.
“Sir?” Amy appeared from the doorway to the drawing room, her brow furrowed.
“I thought I told you to wait for mein there, little girl.” He folded his arms in a show of disapproval he didn’t truly feel but reveled in the way her eyes became large at his firm tone.
“I’m sorry.” She swallowed. “It’s just that it’s late, and—”
“Jonah will be home soon.” He took a stride toward her as he interrupted. “I know.”
“Of course.” Her gaze fell, as though she felt awkward for questioning him, yet still concerned enough not to go back to her place in the drawing room.
“Want me to get you out of those clothes?” He sniggered at his double-entendre as he closed the distance between them.
“Sir?” Her chest rose and fell beneath his jacket as he reached for her.
“Let’s get you into something you’ll feel less conspicuous in when Jonah arrives.” Wrapping his arms around her, he whispered the words into her hair.
“Yes, please.” Her eyes flashed with gratitude.
“Come on.” Kissing her crown, he turned and tugged her to follow him.
“Where are we going, sir?”
“Remember where I keep the spare robes?”