“I admit I wanted you right from the start, Amy.” His tone was thoughtful.
“In the grocery store?” She found it hard to believe anything about that version of herself could have been attractive to anyone, let alone a man like Kyle.
“Yes.” He laughed at the expression she pulled. “I could tell you needed help, and I wanted to assist you, but once I was with you, there was something special about you, little girl. Some unspoken part of you that called to something in me.”
Her brow rose. He might just have eloquently articulated the connection she’d sensed right from that first meeting.
“And at dinner?” She rested her palm against his warm skin. “When I was a sniveling mess?”
He chuckled at her description. “You were never a mess, little girl.”
“You’re kind, sir, but that’s not true.” She easily recalled what a state she’d been in when she’d first opened the floodgates. “You must have wondered what on Earth you were getting into.”
“No.” His tone was that same even, smooth tone.
“No?” She didn’t believe it.
“I was relieved.” He tugged her knuckles to his lips. “And thankful that you’d shared with me what was challenging you. I couldn’t have helped you if you hadn’t opened up to me.”
“True.” Being around him was such a mind fuck.
“And in helping you, I created the contradiction—our budding romance became a contractual agreement.” He squeezed her fingers. “I apologize for the incongruence.”
Two apologies?Amy’s jaw fell open, and for the longest time, she only stared at him.
“I see,” she forced herself to say in the end. He’d not only offered contrition but had just referred to their dynamic as a romance. Excited butterflies fluttered in her belly. “And here we are.” She wasn’t certain his piece explained all the complicated emotions tangled inside of her, but it did describe the origins of them.
“And here we are,” he agreed. “But I’m not convinced that will satisfy you.”
“You know me too well, sir.”
“Apparently.” He leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “You’re worried about how we move forward. Especially now that your son is here.”
Fuck, was the man a mind reader?
“Yes.” She leaned against his arm. “You’re very good at this, sir.”
It made her wonder how many other women he’d entertained in similar ways, but of course, she had no rights over the man he’d been before they’d met at the grocery store. She scarcely had any now.
“Jonah can’t know about this.” She brushed her free hand along his midriff. “He thinks I’m working for you. He wouldn’t understand why we’re fucking.”
“You’re worried what he’d think.” He sounded mildly amused at the idea.
“Yes.” She tensed. “He’s my baby, and he’s been through a lot with his dad and his brother. I can’t be the next reason he slides into hell.”
“You’re working here, at least in part, to help him.” Kyle’s brow arched. “Why can’t you be honest with him?”
“It’s not that easy.” She was immediately rueful at her curt tone. “I’m sorry, sir, but family is complex.”
“I see.” He pressed his lips together. “So, what are you saying, little girl? Am I going to be your dirty little secret?”
She blushed at how that sounded. “I will tell him if things continue between us. I want to be honest. It’s just going to be difficult to explain right now.”He’ll think I’m paid for the sex.
She held back the final line.
“Whatever you think.” He traced the outline of her fingers as he went on. “He’s your son, but it’s going to present some significant challenges while he’s staying here.”