She had no idea what she would do if he denied her. God knew she was teetering so close to the precipice that holding back seemed impossible. She nearly cheered then when he murmured the words she longed to hear.
“Come then.” His cock picked up the pace, indicating how near his own orgasm was. “Let me feel it, little girl.”
Her body erupted at the prompt, her muscles tensing and forcing her lips into a silent ‘O’ before the enormous sense of release swept over her. His deep grunt reverberatedin her ear as she flew in euphoria, conveying his own climax. A breathy silence cascaded over them as entwined, they grasped at the moment of perfection.
“We just keep getting better, little girl.”
An unquantifiable amount of time later, Kyle’s voice pervaded her hazy and satiated daydreams, forcing her back to the warm reality of their embrace. Still sprawled on the desk, she was tangled in his embrace, her ass snuggled into his groin.
“Yes, sir.” There was no denying that truth. Kyle had a magnetism she hadn’t been ready for, but now that she’d tasted it, she didn’t know how there could ever be enough of him. A world without his suave, calm, and commanding aura seemed unthinkable. “But…”
She regretted the word at once.
“But?” His voice was a sigh as though he, too, wasn’t ready to hear whatever came next.
“I’m sorry.” She was loathed to be the one who burst the bubble of contentment they’d achieved, but that same troublesome narrative that had nagged at her was seeping back into her consciousness, tugging on the loose ends of her joy.
“Go on.” He kissed her nape, holding her close as though bracing himself. “I’m here for you, little girl. I hope you know that. As your employer, but as your lover, too.”
“I think that’s the crux of my concern, sir.” Anxiety amplified in her stomach as he so ably identified her concerns.
“Oh.” The canopy of his arms tightened around her.
“I mean…” Fear goaded that her honesty might have offended him. “I adore and am so fucking grateful for both, sir… it’s just…” How could she better explain? “I’m unclear where the line blurs between my contractual obligations and the feelings I have.” She frowned, her ballooning trepidation unsure that explanation was any better.
“Yes.” His voice was calm. “That line is increasingly blurring, isn’t it?”
“Yes.” She twisted to see him, wanting the reassurance of that enticing gaze again. “I just don’t want to feel as though you’re paying me for this incredible sex.” She clenched, suddenly conscious of how naked she was while he remained half-dressed. “That’s not why I’m here, sir.”
“I know.” His hand rose to cradle her nearest breast as he met her eyes. “I understand, Amy, believe me.”
She wanted to believe him, longed for nothing more than to learn that the two facets of their relationship could exist in isolation of the other, but deep down, she wasn’t certain it was possible. Was she his subordinate, paid to do her job, or his submissive, praised for her sexual compliance?
She didn’t know how to be both.
“I need to work for you, sir.” She sighed. “Your help has been invaluable, and your input can make such a huge difference to my life.”
He sniggered, apparently tickled by her unintentional quip. “Interesting choice of words.”
“I didn’t mean it like that!” she slapped his hand playfully. “I mean, I appreciate your money, but it makes this,”—she rested her hand over his—“chemistry between us feel strange.”
“I’ve been fogging that line between what you need and what I feel right from the beginning.” His breath was warm on her shoulder. “I’m sorry if it’s troubling you, little girl.”
He’s sorry?
As far as she could recall, that was the first and only time Kyle had ever apologized for anything.
“I’d like to understand.” She rolled toward him. “How do you feel, sir?” It was dangerous to ask, yet the apprehension in her belly had morphed into something mirroring simmering excitement. She was exhilarated to know his heart. “I’d love to know.”
His lips curled. “Would you?”
“I just…” She reeled at his wry tone. “It might negate some of my nerves.”
“Well, I don’t want you filled with nervous energy.” He pulled her closer against him. “Not unless it’s because of an erotic punishment you’re due, so I’d better find the words.”
She waited, pressing her fingers between the dark hairs on his chest as he contemplated what to say. The intimacy between them was intensifying, but it needed to be defined and reconciled, especially now Jonah was there.