Page 127 of Vicious Addictions

“Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Lucky. Enzo. It just so happens that I brought twins of my own to the occasion.” I smile at them. “This is Remus.” I tilt my head to the right. “And this is Romulus, Rolo for short.”

The two pairs of twins stare at each other and give a curt what’s-up tilt of the head.

“You look nice and dangerous,” Enzo tilts his chin at Rolo. “I think I’ll sit next to you at dinner.”

“I’ll sit next to dead-eyes over here,” Lucky points at Remus. “You need to teach me how to do that. Chicks love that shit.”

“I was born like this,” Remus replies, eyeing Lucky up and down, trying to figure him out.

“Dang it.” Lucky pouts.

“Apologies,” Giovanni groans. “Sometimes m… the boys talk first and think second.”

“I like it. They don’t bullshit around. Come, little man. Let me show you a few tricks that will blow your mind when it comes to the ladies.”

“Rolo,” I start to protest, but it’s no use. The Crane and Romano twins are already off to God knows where to be taught God knows what.

“How come I have the tiniest feeling thatthatwill eventually bite me in the ass,” Giovanni points at the twins, now huddled together like they are about to play some kind of sport.

“Before the evening starts, maybe I should be the one apologizing to you. My cousins aren’t known for playing well with others.”

“Could have fooled me. They look quite taken with Lucky and Enzo.” Giovanni laughs.

Before I can respond, a red-haired girl, who looks about seventeen or eighteen, steps forward, eyeing her brothers laughing hysterically at something Rolo said.

“Sorry about them,” she sighs. “They left their manners at home. Hi, I’m Stella.” She extends her hand for me to shake.

“Pleasure,” I reply smoothly, taking her hand in mine.

Up close, Stella is even more beautiful than the pictures Jude had displayed in his room. With big green eyes, long wavy red hair, and pouty lips, she’ll be giving her future suitors a run for their money.

But it’s the open defiance in her demeanor that I appreciate.

I’ve heard many stories about the Outfit’s and Cosa Nostra’sprincipessas.

That they should be seen but not heard.

That they should be the epitome of silent grace, obedient and submissive.

Stella Romano is neither of those things.

“I’ve heard many things about you,” I say with a sincere smile.

“All good things, I hope.”

“Very good things,” I assure her.

“Good.” She grins. “Though he’s never spoken about you. Any reason why that is?”

“You’ll have to ask him.”

The smile she throws at me says that she will do just that.

“Anna! Come here and meet Lady Crane!” Stella bellows over her shoulder, causing Giovanni to chuckle under his breath in amusement.

“And this is Annamaria,” Stella says with a wide, adoring smile as she nudges the blonde girl forward.

I pause.