“God, give me strength,” I whisper to the heavens. “What did I just explicitly say not two seconds ago? Best behavior, you twats!”
“Geez, you’re touchy today. You on your period or something?” Rolo mumbles, to which my fingers curl into claws, ready to strangle him.
“Shouldn’t have gone there. Now she’s going to cut your balls and feed them to you for sure,” Remus tsks with a shake of the head.
As much as I would love nothing more than to reprimand them both, I know Rolo is right. I have been a little on edge since our arrival. And to my shame, I’ve been taking it out on the twins because I know they can take it. Still, it’s not fair to them.
“I’m sorry for slapping you, Rolo.” I let out an exhale. “You’re right. I have been a little cranky lately. It’s just that this is the first time our family has been welcomed by the Outfit with open arms since our little… shall I say…tiff?I’m under a lot of pressure to ensure we leave Chicago with our alliance fully intact. Or would you prefer to sever it completely and continue to get our weapons from the Irish?”
“Fuck no. I’m tired of going to Dublin to deal with those twats. They don’t negotiate fair. Though, I’m sure Remus wouldn’t mind visiting Ireland more often. Isn’t that right,Lord Crane?”
My forehead creases at the cryptic remark while watching Rolo nudge Remus in the ribs, only for his twin to slap his elbow away.
“Are we supposed to have dinner delivered to this bloody car, or will we be getting on with our night?” Remus rebukes, swinging the door open and rushing to get out.
I’ve never seen Remus so exasperated, which leaves me to question.
I immediately grab Rolo’s arm before he has time to follow his brother, and ask, “What was that all about?”
“Let’s just say that you’re not the only one who likes sleeping with the enemy,” he cackles with a wink.
My cheeks flush crimson red at the salacious remark.
How was I supposed to know that I’d jump into bed with Jude the first chance I got?
“Allies.The Romanos are allies, as are the Irish,” I quickly correct.
“Whatever you say, cousin. All I heard was that you didn’t deny it. Not sure Felix is going to take too kindly to finding out that his fiancée is fucking his protege.”
“You know bloody well it’s not going to be a real marriage,” I try to defend, even though I feel like grasping at straws. “A marriage of convenience does not a marriage make. We won’t even be living together after the wedding, for Christ’s sake. It’s all for show since a boss cannot lead the Firm if they are unwed. Felix was the obvious solution to solve a simple bureaucratic problem. Nothing more.”
“Youknow that.Iknow that. EvenFelixknows that. But only a fool would think that Felix doesn’t have plans to wear you down once you say ‘I do’ and make you hisrealwife then. And you may be great at many things, dear cousin, but playing the part of a fool isn’t one of them,” he retorts poignantly, making me unsure if he’s still talking about Felix or Jude at this point.
“You know what? I take back my apology. You’re really testing my patience today,” I groan, pushing him out the door, unwilling to listen to any more of his nonsense.
My cousin finds the whole cluster-fuck of an ordeal terribly amusing, of course, cackling away as if he knew the punchline to a joke that none of us are privy to. But one thing Rolo did manage to accomplish—settling my nerves. I’m too angry now to be nervous.
A butler greets us at the door and leads us into a grand living area, already bustling with most of the members of the Romano clan. Unfortunately for me, the undeniable pull is just too strong, and before I can stop myself, my eyes go straight to the last person they should—Jude.
He’s leaning casually against a wall, unreadable as ever, just watching from afar.
Maybe I’ll get lucky tonight, and he’ll keep his distance.
Or maybe you’ll get really lucky, and he won’t.
“Welcome,” Giovanni greets, all smiles, pulling me away from my pensive thoughts. “Vincent and Selene will be down shortly to welcome you to their home. But in the meantime, why don’t I introduce you to the nextviciousgeneration?”
“Vicious is right,” a dark-haired boy smirks as he walks toward us with his twin at his heel.
“This rascal here is Luciano,” Gio says, pride swimming in his eyes.
“Lucky, to my friends,” Luciano corrects, grabbing my hand and pressing a tender kiss to my knuckles.
His twin steps forward with the same easy grin, taking my other hand in his. “And I’m Enzo. At your service, Lady Crane.”
I take them both in, instantly recognizing their resemblance with the Outfit’sconsigliere.
The boys must be fifteen if they are a day, yet they have all the swagger and rizz of their biological father, Giovanni. How no one openly acknowledges that these two boys are his sons is beyond me.