Emily felt bad interrupting Mercy and the two guys who had set up camp around her. They were both trying way too hard to get her best friend’s attention and from the smile on Mercy’s face, she didn’t seem to mind.
“Sorry to cut in but we are going to head out. The guys are tired and ready to call it a night.” Mercy giggled and from the look on her face, she wasn’t buying the story that Emily just told her.
“Sure, I bet they are exhausted and need to get you to bed, stat.” Mercy joked. Emily rolled her eyes at her friend’s obnoxious use of hospital jargon and grabbed her hand.
“Let’s go, Mercy, you can make fun of me on the ride home,” Emily was starting to lose her patience. The thought of getting both of her men home and naked was doing crazy things to her body.
The bar owner, Cash, grabbed Mercy’s hand effectively stopping Emily from dragging her out the door. “Hey, if you want to stick around I’d be happy to give you a lift home later.” Emily shot Cash a look that she hoped would warn him to keep his hands off her friend.
“Or” the singer stood and pulled Mercy into his space, “I could run you home after my last set.” Callan looked so hopeful that Emily wanted to laugh.
“Or” Emily barked, “You can get your ass up and get it into Jack’s SUV. You came with us, and you’ll leave with us.” Emily could see the wheels turning in Mercy’s head as if she was trying to figure out just how to tell her that she wanted to stay. Emily sighed, knowing that she was about to lose the battle, she dropped Mercy’s hand from her own.
“I’m having fun, Em. Besides, it’s nice to get some attention. It’s been a while since a handsome man even looked in my direction. At least let me have a few more hours of fun.” Mercy’s pleading looks nearly did her in. She was right. Emily wasn’t her friend’s keeper and if she wanted to have some fun that was her prerogative.
“Fine, I can see that you’ve already decided,” Emily leaned in to whisper into Mercy’s ear. “Just keep in mind that you don’t know either of these guys. You might as well be taking candy from strangers and climbing into their janky van.” Mercy laughed.
“I’m pretty sure that neither one of them is a crazed serial killer. Right guys?” Mercy turned to find both guys had crowded up behind her and Emily knew that her friend was done for. They had the same look on their faces that both Travis and Jackson had when they decided to share her.
Emily pointed between the two hot guys who had protectively surrounded Mercy, “Just make sure that she gets home safely and in one piece,” she barked. Both men nodded and smiled, and Emily knew that her friend didn’t have a clue as to what she had just signed up for.
She pulled Mercy in for a hug, “Good luck and call me,” she whispered.
“I will and don’t worry so much. I’ll be fine.” Mercy kissed her cheek and gave her a saucy wink, causing her to laugh. Emily shook her head and turned to run into both of her guys.
“Ready?” Jackson held out his hand and she took it. Travis grabbed her other hand, and they walked out of Manholes like that as if announcing that they were together, no matter what the rest of the world thought.
The night air felt a little chilly after being in the crowded bar and dancing between two very hot men. She shivered against the light breeze and Travis wrapped his jacket around her shoulders and pulled her closer into his body. She loved that they both seemed to know what she needed and took such good care of her. As a doctor, she was usually the one taking care of everyone.
“How about we go back to my place again? Jack left a bag there and a few of your things are there too.” Jack and Emily both nodded their agreement. “We are going to figure out what our next step is. If the three of us are going to be spending a lot of time together then we’ll need more room,” Travis whispered, looking around to make sure that no one was around to hear him.
It broke Emily’s heart a little that just seconds ago they were carefree and dancing, the three of them, to the music. Now, they were back to looking over their shoulders and worrying about what other people would think of their relationship. Who cared what other people thought? Besides Regan and Mercy, who both accepted her being with two men, she didn’t care what others thought about her relationship.
Her parents were never around, always off on their next big adventure. They still owned a small estate in town, but they never really used it. Her mother would tell her to give up her tiny town home and move into the empty house but she didn’t want to live under her parents’ thumb. She wanted to make her way in life and not take handouts from her father. That wouldgive them too much say in what she did with her life and that was just not okay with her. Her father wished to see her married off to the son of one of his rich business partners and her mother just didn’t understand her desire to be her own woman. Her mom often chastised her for becoming a doctor because she believed that was a “man’s job”. It infuriated Emily every time her mother said such ignorant things. It was as if her parents were from another time the way they went on saying that she should be married with babies by now. Yeah, she was pretty sure that they wouldn’t approve of her latest decision to be in a poly relationship.
Emily worried about her higher-ups at work finding out about Travis and Jackson but her personal life was just that. Besides, the hospital had very strict privacy laws in place to protect both the patients and the staff. Unless she spread the fact that she was sleeping with two men at once to everyone that she worked with, they’d have no way of finding out. People were going to gossip; she couldn’t stop that from happening. What she could do was focus on the positive and try not to let the negative opinions of others affect how she chose to live her life.
Jackson opened the back-seat door for her and Travis to climb in and jogged around to the front of the SUV to get into the driver’s side. Jackson looked at the pair of them in the rearview mirror and flashed them a wolfish grin. Emily realized that Travis must have picked up on what Jackson wanted him to do since he was slowly sliding his T-shirt over his head. Emily suddenly wasn’t cold anymore and she felt completely overdressed.
“I’ll get us back to your place, man. You get our girl wet and ready for us.” Jackson pulled out onto the highway and headed for Travis’s apartment. Travis moaned and pulled Emily onto his lap. She could feel his erection through his jeans, not being able to control her eager body, she ground against his cock.
“Fuck, Em. You keep doing that and I’ll come in my pants,” Travis growled. Jackson laughed from the front of the vehicle and adjusted the mirror to better see them.
“Good girl, Em. I like it when you take some of Travis’s control. He likes it too, but he wouldn’t tell you that.” Travis moaned at Jack’s truth.
“Don’t fucking tell her that, man. If she gets it in her head that she can top from the bottom she’ll do it to you too.” Jackson’s laugh fell flat.
“Fuck,” he cursed from the front seat.
“Yeah genius, now you’re getting it,” Travis grumbled. Emily giggled and ran her hands through Travis’s beard and up through his perfectly combed hair. She liked the way that Travis looked. He was so fair, with his blond hair and sharp blue eyes. But the beard and tattoos made him stand out. He was beautiful to look at, but he had an edge to him that made her want more. She loved that Travis let her in to see his vulnerable side and his submission was gorgeous to watch. Emily only hoped that he would gift her with his submission someday.
She dipped her head down taking his mouth in a hot, passionate kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth to meet hers and she didn’t hold back her moan of pleasure. She wanted him, wanted them both so badly.
“Is it all right that we do this without you, Jackson,” she whispered. She worried about jealousy and didn’t want either of them to feel neglected. Jack and Travis shared a guilty look in the mirror, and she worried that she had done something wrong.
“Well,” Travis choked, “Jack and I kind of fooled around while you were at work.” So, that was the reason for the guilty look between the two of them. The thought of Jackson taking what he wanted from Travis, just the two of them, made her hot. Sure, she wished she could have been there to watch but she wasn’t mad that they fooled around without her.
“Yeah, we kind of did it in his kitchen. Sorry Em. I guess we should have talked through the rules before we just assumed that you’d be all right with that,” Jackson said.