Page 12 of Theirs to Love

“I made us some food. I thought you would be hungry.” Jackson grabbed two plates and filled them, along with two mugs full of coffee. They sat at Travis’s kitchen table as if they hadn’t just gotten each other off in the kitchen and ate breakfast.

They spent most of the day in bed talking and trying to figure out a way to make this thing work between the three of them. Jack told Travis about his struggles with coming out. Being a cop didn’t afford Jackson much privacy and when he was outed for being bisexual, not many people in his department accepted it. His old partner, Logan, was the worst with his continued harassment. Travis was relieved to hear that Jack had filed a formal complaint against that asshole, but he wanted to take away the pain that Jack felt because of the way he was treated. He knew that wouldn’t be an easy task, himself being targeted for harassment in town for being bi. Between the two of themand Em thrown into the mix, they should be able to figure out a way to navigate these uncharted waters.

Jack convinced Travis to take a chance and go into the hospital to visit Em and get her something to eat. They both knew that she had to be on the fence about what had happened between the three of them. She would probably be thinking through her next move and the less planning that they let her do, the better. Emily needed to work through her emotions and come out on the other side realizing that what they were building together might just work if they all gave it a chance. They got up and showered and headed out to pick up some food for their girl and then went to find Emily at the hospital.

She gave them just what they wanted, a chance. When they asked Em to go out with them tonight his heart felt like it would just about stop. He wanted her to say yes more than he wanted his next breath. When she agreed and her best friend Mercy wanted to tag along, he felt relief. To the average person, two guys and two girls out for a night looked normal. No one would be suspicious that Em was between Jack and him. And no one would give any of them a hard time. Once they got to Manholes, no one would care who was with whom and they would be free to enjoy their evening together.

Travis threw on his favorite flannel shirt and jeans, pulling on his boots just as there was a knock at his door. His damn heart started racing again when he opened it to find Jackson looking sexy as fuck in a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and boots. His guy cleaned up nicely. Jack sauntered into Travis’s small apartment and pulled him into his hard body, melding their mouths together. Jack pushed Travis up against the wall and he wrapped his arms around Jack’s neck, suddenly feeling like they were both wearing too many clothes.

“See, I told you. It’s so fucking hot to watch the two of them together,” Emily said to Mercy. Jackson pulled away from Travisleaving them both breathless. Travis looked over to where Em and Mercy stood in his doorway and smiled. Em’s friend was staring at them again with her mouth open. He couldn’t help his laugh. Most women he knew found out he was bi and ran the other way. But Mercy seemed just as turned on by the whole scene as Em was.

“Come here Em,” Jackson barked, and she shut the door and found her place between the two of them. Travis kissed her first, not caring that her friend was still watching. It felt like forever since he put his mouth on hers. After Travis got done with her, he passed her to Jack where she willingly let him kiss her hello. They acted as if they hadn’t just all three spent a deliciously wicked night in bed together.

“Geeze, I missed you both too,” she whispered. “But I think we might be making Mercy uncomfortable.” They all looked over to where her friend watched, an amused smirk on her face. Travis was pretty sure that Mercy was uncomfortable, just not the way Em was thinking. Her friend looked somewhat curious and a whole lot turned on. He was betting that if Mercy was game, they’d be able to set her up with a couple of friends tonight to show her a good time.

Jack checked his watch, “We should get going. We’ll miss the band if we don’t get there soon.” Travis grabbed his jacket, and they headed out. The girls were going on about there being a band and how much they wanted to dance. Travis was hoping that tonight didn’t prove too much for Emily. Jackson and he knew what they were in for, but a gay bar tended to get a little rowdy at times. If Em needed, they would just bring her back to one of their places because that was exactly where Jack and he planned on ending up with Emily in one of their beds. This time, neither of them would let her up until she agreed to be theirs. They didn’t want to leave any room for doubt in Emily’s mind that she belonged to them now.


Jackson was surprised at how well the evening was going considering that it was their first public appearance as a threesome. Of course, having Mercy along provided the false perception that they were just two couples out on the town. They decided to have dinner at Giovani’s to make up for the last time the three of them were in that restaurant. This time, they made it through dinner without anyone storming off. It was the best date he had ever been on, one that he thought was only possible in his dreams.

After dinner, they all piled into his SUV and headed two towns over to Manholes bar. The ride took about thirty minutes, and he loved watching Em laughing and singing with Mercy. She seemed so much more carefree and happier, not at all like the uptight doctor that he met two days prior.

When they got to the bar he and Travis felt free to let go and be themselves. They danced and held hands, pulling Emily into the middle of every move that they made, and no one even looked twice in their direction. It felt damn good not to pretend that he wasn’t falling for either of them and to be able to just let loose and have fun.

Mercy seemed to be a hit with both the owner of the bar, Cash, and the lead singer of the band that was playing at the bar, Callan. At first, poor Mercy didn’t know quite what to do about all the attention. Em’s friend thought that she was going to a true gay bar, but Manholes was more than that. It was a place where people from all walks of life could come and hang out. Cash opened the bar five years ago, wanting to help out some of his buddies but he also needed a place where his dominant nature wouldn’t get him into trouble. Cash had talked about opening up a sex club where Doms and subs from all over would be able to come and play. Truthfully, that was something that Jack would love to do with Travis and Emily. He wanted to show them both off as his subs, but Cash was just in the planning stages of building his club.

Jack had met Callan a few times, but he didn’t really know the guy. He was the lead singer of the band that usually played there on the weekends. He was also an accountant by day and did Cash’s books for the bar. The two seemed tight; Jack even wondered if they were a couple, but Cash was strictly a lady’s man.

“Well, Mercy is having a good time,” Emily peeked around Travis trying to see her friend at the bar.

“Yep, it looks like Cash has some competition with Callan sniffing around her,” Jack shouted over the music.

Emily smiled up at him, swaying to the music between the two of them. “Maybe she should just convince them to do what we are doing.” Jackson barked out his laugh at the idea of Cash sharing a woman.

“I hate to tell you this baby, but Cash isn’t much of a sharer. He doesn’t play nice at all. He’s a Dom and if you think Jackson is bossy, you should meet Cash,” Travis laughed, letting his words trail off at the scowl on Jackson’s face.

“Emily does not fucking need to meet Cash. She needs to stay far fucking away from him,” Jackson growled, making them both laugh. The thought of Emily or Travis in another Dom’s arms made him want to tear down the building. He knew that he sounded like a caveman but that was just how he felt. He had gotten closer to Em and Travis than he had anyone in a long time. He wasn’t about to just let someone else take them from him—ever.

“I think Em only has eyes for us, Jack. You can put your club away; she’s not going anywhere. Are you, baby?” Travis smiled down at Em and she beamed back at him.

“Nope, I’m happy just where I am guys. But I feel like we need to clear the air and talk about where this is all heading.” Emily looked so nervous; Jackson wished she knew how he was feeling without having to ask but he was never very good at sharing how he felt.

“I want to give the three of us a chance to see where this can go,” Travis insisted. Em gifted him with another of her brilliant smiles and Jack felt like he couldn’t breathe. Jack wanted to tell them both that he was falling for them, but he was still that little boy seeking approval but too afraid of it not being granted.

Emily looked up at Jackson and his heart was beating so fast in his chest that he worried that Travis and Em would be able to hear it over the loud music. “And what do you want, Jackson?” Emily’s voice was so quiet he needed to lean into her body to hear her. She gifted him with soft kisses along his neck and he couldn’t help the groan that escaped his parted lips. He pulled her tighter against his body, Travis framing her in with his own body on her other side.

“I fucking want you, Em,” Jack growled. He felt every ounce of his resistance slipping away. It was now or never, time for him to man up and face whatever was happening between the three of them. Losing either of them because he was a fucking coward,too afraid to share his feelings, wasn’t an option. His eyes darted up to find Travis’s sharp blue eyes watching him, almost pleading for the same response as he had just given Emily.

“You too, Travis. I want both of you so fucking much it hurts. I know that this is moving fast but I don’t want to risk either of you walking out of my life. I want to see where this goes because I’m already falling for you both.” Jackson heaved out a sigh of relief that he was finally able to say those words out loud. He felt as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

“I feel the same way about both of you,” Emily gushed. She wrapped one arm around Jack’s shoulder and another around Travis’s body, pulling them both down one at a time for a kiss.

Travis looked about as pleased as a man could be, “I’m so fucking happy that we are going to give this a shot,” he beamed. “How about we take this party back to one of our places and finish up this weekend the way we started it—naked and sweaty?” Travis bobbed his eyebrows, causing Em to laugh.

“I’ll pay the tab, and we can get out of here.” Jackson went to pay their bill, and Emily went over to talk to Mercy. Jack was amazed at how his whole life had changed in just one weekend. If it hadn’t been for an overly eager baby, he would never have met Emily, and she wouldn’t be a part of what he and Travis were building. It was as if the universe was giving him everything that he ever hoped for but was too afraid to dream of having. He was going to hold onto it with everything that he had.
