Page 5 of Theirs to Love

“He seems like a great guy,” Emily whispered.

“Travis is a wonderful guy, I like him. I fucked up and now I’m not sure he’ll ever talk to me again.” He knew that Travis was stubborn enough to hold a grudge, but he also knew that he was worth the trouble. “So, you think Travis is hot?” Jackson’s wheels were turning, and he had to admit that if his little plan worked, the three of them might find something together. The only question was would Travis and the pretty doctor be into the kind of kink that he liked? The bigger question was would they be willing to share each other without letting the jealousy that sometimes got in the way control what they all seemed to want?

Emily enthusiastically nodded, “He is, and he seems sweet.” He looked Emily over knowing that he would need to proceed with caution. He worried that if he overstepped he’d lose his chance with them both.

“What’s that look for, Jackson? You are starting to worry me.” Emily sat back in her seat as if trying to put some distance between them.

“Do you think I’m hot?” He was almost afraid to ask but he needed to know. Emily gasped as if his question offended her. “Please be honest with me, Emily. We are just having a conversation here.” Emily seemed to settle down some trying to figure out what her next move would be, which was almostcomical to watch. He felt his smirk, finding her indecision pretty damn adorable. Emily opened her mouth as if she was going to give him his answer, only to quickly shut it. She did that three more times and he was starting to think that she’d never just come out with it.

“Fine,” she spat. “I find you very attractive.” She crossed her arms over her very impressive chest and Jack couldn’t help his chuckle. Letting her off the hook now would be too easy. He wanted to play with her a little, liking the way that she squirmed.

“Hot, Emily. I asked if you found me hot?” She huffed out her breath and he found himself laughing out loud, something that didn’t happen often, especially in his line of work.

“Yes, Jackson. I find you hot. There, does that make you happy?” Emily uncrossed her arms and slapped her hands on the table. Jackson found the whole damn scene so fucking sexy. She wasn’t going to submit to him easily, maybe not even at all but he was going to have fun trying to make her his little pet. He wanted them both, Travis and Emily, kneeling in front of him giving him their beautiful submission.

“Thank you for that, Em.” Her eyes darted up to find his at the nickname that he called her, and she gave him her shy, sexy smile.

“No man has called me that in a long time, Jackson,” she purred.

“Well, then, I think that’s something that we need to change, Em.” Emily sat forward, closing the gap between them, and reached across the table to take his hand.

“So, what are we going to do about the fact that I find both you and Travis hot?” She ran her thumb over his palm and his cock sprang to life. She was so smart; Emily was going to keep him on his toes, and he was definitely up for the challenge.

“Well, I have a plan.” Jack rounded the table to sit closer to Emily, so they could quietly discuss how he hoped to get thethree of them into bed together. If he had his way their next stop would be Travis’s apartment followed by a long night of being tangled up in the sheets with two of the sexiest fucking people that he ever met.


Emily sat in the passenger seat of Jackson’s SUV trying to figure out how she got there. Sure, his whole plan seemed to be crazy, but it was something that she had dreamed of for months now. Since her last relationship failed almost a year ago, she had been looking for something new, something exciting. When she met the Travers-Black family they kicked her imagination into gear and belonging to two men at once was all she could think about. She asked her questions and did a ton of research wanting to know everything that she could about polyamorous lifestyles. Still, finding two men that would be willing participants had her tied up in knots.

She noticed Travis Sharp on her visits out to the ranch to check on Regan and Star. Meeting him today only solidified the fact that she was attracted to him, and she was hoping that he felt the same. When he let her walk out of Regan’s kitchen without asking her out, her hopes of that happening were dashed. She was sure that she would be doomed to a life alone and even found half a gallon of strawberry ice cream to eat on her way to the hospital. Having sexy Jackson Saint walk into her patient’s room today was like receiving a gift from the gods.When he asked her out, she took that as a sign that her luck was surely changing, and she jumped at the opportunity to have dinner with Jack.

Finding out that not only did the two sexiest men that she met in, well—ever, knew each other but were also dating was quite a shock. She was having trouble wrapping her mind around the whole turn of events, knowing that she was just not that lucky. Could Jackson’s plan work? Could Travis and Jack be her first jump into a poly relationship? God, she hoped so.

Emily just wasn’t sure that Jack’s plan of showing up at Travis’s apartment unannounced would play out the way that he was hoping. Travis seemed pretty pissed at Jackson and well her too, for that matter. She wasn’t sure what she had done to earn his anger since they just met that afternoon. But, when Travis stormed out of Giovanni’s, she was sure that he was angry with her too. The way that he looked at her, as if she disappointed him by just being at the restaurant with Jackson, tore at her heart. He seemed so vulnerable and even sad by the whole scene; she wanted to run after him and wrap him in her arms, but she didn’t know him well enough to warrant those feelings.

Jack reached across the console and linked their fingers together. “This is a good idea, honey. We can present a united front and convince Travis that we should all get to know each other a little better.” He winked at her, making her smile. “And I will need to convince him that I’m an ass and fucked up.”

“Yeah Jack, I’m pretty sure that you won’t have to convince Travis that you’re an ass. I think he’s already decided that about you.” Jackson barked out his laugh and squeezed her fingers into his big hand.

“I think I’m going to like taming that sassy mouth of yours, honey. I can think of a few ways to keep it busy,” he growled. Emily liked how intense Jackson was and she was sure that he’dbe the same way in the bedroom—bossy and overbearing. She shivered at the thought.

“I just worry that Travis won’t let us in. Then what do we do?” Emily was sure that they were going to show up on Travis’s doorstep only to be turned away. Listening to Jackson’s plan convinced her that not only did she want them both but that she wasn’t sure that she’d be able to settle for either of them on their own. She knew that made her sound greedy, but she didn’t care.

“I’ll get us into his apartment, honey. You just leave that to me.” He waggled his eyebrows at her, causing her another laugh. She liked the way that Jackson tried to help her relax, even being silly to ease her anxiety.

“Thank you for that,” she whispered. “Sometimes, I get so in my head that I forget to relax. I tend to worry about things that I can’t control, although I’ve been told that’s what makes me a good doctor.” Emily watched as they passed the hospital where she worked. It seemed like so long ago that she met Jackson there, not mere hours.

“I can also help you with that too, honey. I’ll help you get out of that pretty little head of yours and focus entirely on Travis and me.” Emily wanted to moan out loud, thinking about all the sexy ways that Jackson could help her forget her worries. “Yeah, now you’re getting it, honey,” he growled.

“This is the address that he gave me.” Jack pulled into a parking spot next to the black pick-up truck that she recognized as Travis’s. It had the Travers-Black logo on the side, and she had seen Travis coming and going around the farm on her visits out to see Regan.

“Ready?” Jack squeezed her fingers in his, reminding her that their hands were still linked.

“As I’ll ever be. I just hope this works,” she said.

“It will, honey. It has to.” Travis opened his door and got out of his SUV, rounding the vehicle to open her door. He helped herdown out of the passenger side, pulling her snugly against his big body, letting her slide down his hard form. She felt every inch of him, and she was pretty sure that Jackson Saint was going to look just as good out of his sexy cop uniform as he looked in it.

Jackson took her hand and led her up to Travis’s second-floor apartment. She felt herself holding her breath as he rapped on the door. She wasn’t sure if she was more worried that Travis would answer the door or wouldn’t. Jackson knocked twice more, the last time sounding more like he was beating the door down.